- the name of four kings of Scotland马尔科姆(苏格兰四个国王的名字):
- Malcolm I (d. 954), reigned 943-54马尔科姆一世(卒于954年, 943-954在位)。
- Malcolm II (c. 954-1034), reigned 1005-34马尔科姆二世(约954-1034,1005-1034在位)。
- Malcolm III (c. 1031-93), son of Duncan Ⅰ, reigned 1058-93; known as Malcolm Canmore (from Gaelic Ceann-mor great head). He came to the throne after killing Macbeth in battle (1057), and was responsible for helping to form Scotland into an organized kingdom.马尔科姆三世(约1031-1093, 邓肯一世之子, 1058-1093在位; 通称“大脑袋马尔科姆”[源于盖尔语Ceann-mor,意为“大脑袋”]; 1057年他在战争中杀死麦克白后登上王位, 并使苏格兰变成一个有组织的王国)。
- Malcolm IV (1141-65), grandson of David Ⅰ, reigned 1153-65; known as Malcolm the Maiden. His reign witnessed a progressive loss of power to Henry Ⅱ of England; he died young and without an heir.马尔科姆四世(1141-1165, 大卫一世之孙, 1153-1165在位; 通称“处男马尔科姆”, 在位期间, 其权力逐渐被英格兰的亨利二世剥夺, 死时很年轻, 无继承人)。