- the state capital of Wisconsin; pop. 231,916 (est. 2008).麦迪逊(美国威斯康星州首府; 2008年估计人口231,916)。
named after President James Madison (see M ADISON2 ).
- Madison2, James (1751-1836), American Democratic Republican statesman, 4th President of the US 1809-17. He played a leading part in drawing up the US Constitution (1787) and proposed the Bill of Rights (1791).麦迪逊, 詹姆斯(1751-1836, 美国民主共和党政治家, 第4任总统[1809-1817]; 美国宪法[1787]的主要起草人, 并提出《人权法案》[1791])。