- an island in the Atlantic Ocean off NW Africa, the largest of the Madeiras, a group of islands which constitutes an autonomous region of Portugal; pop. 247,161 (2007); capital, Funchal. Encountered by the Portuguese in 1419, the islands were occupied by the Spanish 1580-1640 and the British 1807-14.马德拉岛(非洲西北部沿海的大西洋岛屿, 为马德拉群岛中最大者, 该群岛是葡萄牙一自治区; 2007年人口247,161; 首府丰沙尔; 该岛于1419年被葡萄牙人发现, 1580-1640年被西班牙占领, 1807-1814年被英国占领)。
- a river in NW Brazil, which rises on the Bolivian border and flows about 1,450 km (900 miles) to meet the Amazon east of Manaus. It is navigable to large ocean-going vessels as far as Pôrto Velho.马代腊河(巴西西北部河流, 源自玻利维亚边境, 长约1,450公里, 即900英里, 在马瑙斯东面汇入亚马孙河; 大型远洋海轮可在该河中航行, 最远可达波多韦柳)。
adjective & noun词源
Portuguese, literally 'timber' (from Latin materia 'substance'), because of the island's dense woods.