Luther, Martin (1483-1546), German Protestant theologian, the principal figure of the German Reformation. He preached the doctrine of justification by faith rather than by works and attacked the sale of indulgences (1517) and papal authority. In 1521 he was excommunicated at the Diet of Worms. His translation of the Bible into High German (1522-34) contributed significantly to the development of German literature in the vernacular.
路德, 马丁(1483-1546, 德国基督教新教神学家, 德国宗教改革运动的主要人物, 鼓吹“因信称义”, 抨击出卖赦免权的行为和[1517]教皇的权威, 1521年在沃尔姆斯会议上被逐出教会; 他将《圣经》译成高地德语[1522-1534], 为德语白话文学的发展作出了重大贡献)。