释义 |
Lowell1, Amy (Lawrence) (1874-1925), American poet. A leading imagist poet, she is known for her polyphonic prose and sensuous imagery. 洛威尔, 埃米(·劳伦斯)(1874-1925, 美国诗人, 最主要的印象派诗人之一, 以散文诗及富于美感的意象闻名)。
Lowell2, James Russell (1819-91), American poet and critic. His works include the satirical Biglow Papers (1848 and 1867; prose and verse) and volumes of essays including Among my Books (1870). 洛威尔, 詹姆斯·鲁塞尔(1819-1891, 美国诗人, 文艺评论家; 其作品包括讽刺散文及韵诗:《比格罗诗篇》[1848,1876] 和包括《在我的书海中》[1870] 在内的大量散文)。
Lowell3, Percival (1855-1916), American astronomer. Lowell inferred the existence of a ninth planet beyond Neptune, and when it was eventually discovered in 1930 it was given the name Pluto, with a symbol that also included his initials. He was the brother of Amy Lowell. 洛威尔, 珀西瓦尔(1855-1916, 美国天文学家, 艾米·洛威尔之兄, 他预测了比海王星更远离太阳的第九大行星的存在, 该行星于1930年被发现, 命名为冥王星, 其中含有他名字的首字母)。
Lowell4, Robert (Traill Spence) (1917-77), American poet. His poetry, often describing his manic depression, is notable for its intense confessional nature and for its complex imagery 洛威尔, 罗伯特(·特雷尔·斯彭斯)(1917-1977, 美国诗人, 他的诗经常描述他的狂躁抑郁心态, 并以强烈的内心自白和繁复的意象著称)。