- mass noun an intense feeling of deep affection爱, 热爱:
babies fill parents with intense feelings of love
their love for their country.
- a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone爱情, 恋爱, 性爱:
it was love at first sight
they were both in love with her
we were slowly falling in love.
a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid爱神(常用丘比特的人性化雕像代表)。
- a great interest and pleasure in something爱好; 喜爱:
his love for football
we share a love of music.
- affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf用以向别人表达亲密问候 爱你的。
- a formula for ending an affectionate letter用于致亲人或至交的信件结尾套语爱你(们)的:
take care, lots of love, Judy.
保重, 爱你(们)的, 朱迪。
- a person or thing that one loves所爱之人(或物):
she was the love of his life
their two great loves are tobacco and whisky.
- Brit. informal a friendly form of address〈英, 非正式〉[一种表示友好的称呼]亲爱的:
it's all right, love.
没关系, 亲爱的。
a love
informal used to express affectionate approval for someone〈非正式〉(用于表示对某人的亲切好感)宝贝:don't fret, there's a love.
别发愁, 宝贝。
- mass noun(in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil(网球、软式墙网球和其他运动)零分; 零:
love fifteen
he was down two sets to love.
[ORIGIN: apparently from the phrase play for love (i.e. the love of the game, not for money); folk etymology has connected the word with French l'oeuf 'egg' from the resemblance in shape between an egg and a zero]
- feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone)爱恋(某人), 爱慕:
do you love me?
- like very much; find pleasure in喜欢; 爱好:
I'd love a cup of tea, thanks
我想要一杯茶, 谢谢
I just love dancing
as adj., in combinationloving a fun-loving girl.一个喜欢找乐子的女孩。
for love
- for pleasure not profit出于喜爱:
he played for the love of the game.
for the love of God
- used to express annoyance, surprise, or urgent pleading看在上帝的份上(用于表示恼怒、惊讶或急切的请求):
for the love of God, get me out of here
看在上帝的分上, 让我离开这里!
for the love of Mike
- Brit. informal used to accompany an exasperated request or to express dismay〈英, 非正式〉看在上帝的分上, 务请(与强烈的请求一起使用, 或用以表达沮丧)。
love me, love my dog
- proverb if you love someone, you must accept everything about them, even their faults or weaknesses〈谚〉爱屋及乌。
make love
- have sexual intercourse做爱。
make love to
dated pay amorous attention to (someone)〈旧〉(向某人)示爱。
not for love or money
- informal not for any inducement or in any circumstances〈非正式〉不管如何劝诱都不; 在任何情况之下都不, 决不:
they'll not return for love or money.
there's no (或little,not much) love lost between
- there is mutual dislike between (two or more people mentioned)…之间没有好感, 互相厌恶。