- no obj., usu. with adverbial of direction direct one's gaze towards someone or something or in a specified direction看:
people were looking at him
they looked up as he came quietly into the room.
他静静走进屋里时, 他们都抬头看着他。
- (of a building or room) have a view or outlook in a specified direction(房屋, 房间)面向, 朝向:
the principal rooms look out over Mylor Harbour.
look through
ignore (someone) by pretending not to see them故意不理睬(某人), 装作没有看见(某人):he glanced up once but looked right through me.
他抬头看了一眼, 但假装没看见我。
- with obj. dated express or show (something) by one's gaze〈旧〉用眼神表示, 现出…的神情:
Poirot looked a question.
look something over
inspect something quickly with a view to establishing its merits察看, 查看:they looked over a property in Great Marlborough Street.
look through
peruse (a book or other written material)细读(书或其他写作作品):we looked through all the books and this was still the one we liked best.
我们仔细读了所有的书, 这本还是我们最喜欢的。
look round/around
move round (a place or building) in order to view whatever it might contain that is of interest四处看看, 参观, 在…观光:he spent the morning and afternoon looking round Edinburgh.
look at/on
think of or regard in a specified way看待:I look at tennis differently from some coaches.
look at
examine (a matter, especially a problem) and consider what action to take检查, 查看(以采取相应措施):a committee is looking at the financing of the BBC.
look into
investigate调查:the police looked into his business dealings.
look for
attempt to find寻找:Howard has been looking for you.
- with clause ascertain with a quick glance很快确定:
people finishing work don't look where they're going.
- with complement or adverbial have the appearance or give the impression of being看起来像:
her father looked unhappy
the home looked like a prison
as adj., in combination -looking a funny-looking bloke.长得挺滑稽的家伙。
look like
informal show a likelihood of〈非正式〉看上去有…的可能, 看来像要:with present participle Leeds didn't look like scoring from any of their corners利兹联队看来不会通过角球得分
with clause it doesn't look like you'll be moving to Liverpool.看来你不像是要搬到利物浦去。
look oneself
appear one's normal, healthy self看上去精神(或气色)好:he just didn't look himself at all.
look to
rely on to do or provide something指望(某人)做某事, 指望(某人)提供某物:she will look to you for help.
- with infinitive hope or expect to do something希望, 期待:
universities are looking to expand their intakes.
- with clause archaic take care; make sure〈古〉注意; 确保:
Look ye obey the masters of the craft.
- an act of directing one's gaze in order to see someone or something看, 瞧:
let me get a closer look.
- an expression of a feeling or thought by such an act看一眼:
the orderly gave me a funny look.
- a scrutiny or examination仔细察看; 审查, 调查; 检查:
the government should be taking a look at the amount of grant the council receives.
- the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality景象, 样子:
the bedraggled look of the village.
a person's facial appearance considered aesthetically容貌:he had charm, good looks, and an amusing insouciance.
他风度翩翩, 面容俊朗, 轻松自在。
- a style or fashion风格, 时尚:
Italian designers unveiled their latest look.
- used to call attention to what one is going to say[用以引起他人注意自己要说的话]看哪:
'Look, this is ridiculous.'
“看哪, 多么可笑。”
look one's age
- appear to be as old as one really is看上去符合年龄。
look alive
- 见look lively.
look before you leap
- proverb one shouldn't act without first considering the possible consequences or dangers〈谚〉三思而后行。
look daggers at
look down one's nose at
- another way of saying look down on.同look down on.
look for trouble
look someone in the eye(或face)
- look directly at someone without showing embarrassment, fear, or shame直视某人。
look lively(或〈旧〉 alive)
- informal used to tell someone to be quick in doing something〈非正式〉打起精神来, 快点干。
look the other way
- deliberately ignore wrongdoing by others纵容, 视而不见:
they do look the other way at corrupt practices here.
look sharp
- be quick赶快。
look small
look to the future
- consider and plan for what is in the future, rather than worrying about the past or present放眼未来。
look someone up and down
- scrutinize someone carefully仔细打量某人。
look after
- take care of照顾, 照看:
women who stay at home to look after children.
look back
- think of the past回顾:
don't waste time looking back on things which have caused you distress.
- with negative suffer a setback or interrupted progress遭遇挫折; 中途受阻:
she launched her own company in 1981 and has never looked back.
她1981年办了自己的公司, 此后业务一直很发达。
look down on
- regard (someone) with a feeling of superiority轻视。
look forward to
- await eagerly企盼, 急切等待:
we look forward to seeing you.
look in
- make a short visit or call短暂拜访:
I will look in on you tomorrow.
look on
- watch without getting involved旁观:
Cameron was looking on and making no move to help.
卡梅伦在一旁看着, 没上前帮忙。
look out
- usu. in imperative be vigilant and take notice小心:
'Look out!' warned Billie, seeing a movement from the room beyond.
“当心!”比利见到另一头的房间里有动静, 便警告道
look out for the early warning signals.
look something out
- Brit. search for and produce something〈英〉找出:
I've got a catalogue somewhere and I'll look it out if you're interested.
我这儿有个目录, 你要是有兴趣我就给你找出来。
look up
- (of a situation) improve(情况)好转:
things seemed to be looking up at last.
look someone up
- informal make social contact with someone〈非正式〉与…接触, 与…交往。
look something up
- search for and find a piece of information in a reference book查阅。
look up to
- have a great deal of respect for (someone)景仰:
he needed a model, someone to look up to.
他需要个偶像, 一个景仰的对象。