/ˈləʊɪ/- Loewi, Otto (1873-1961), American pharmacologist and physiologist, born in Germany. He was the first to show that a chemical neurotransmitter is produced at the junction between a parasympathetic nerve and a muscle. This he identified as the substance acetylcholine. Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (1936, shared with Sir Henry Dale).勒韦, 奥托(1873-1961, 美国药理学家和生理学家, 生于德国, 发现神经冲动的化学传递在副交感神经和肌肉的交结处进行, 并将其命名为乙酰胆碱, 1936年与亨利·戴尔爵士共获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖)。