- a mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc. fastened, typically operated only by a key of a particular form锁:
the key turned firmly in the lock.
- a similar device used to prevent the operation or movement of a vehicle or other machine(防止车辆或机械装置被任意开动或启动的)锁:
a steering lock
a bicycle lock.
- (in wrestling and martial arts) a hold that prevents an opponent from moving a limb(摔跤及武术用语)抱, 夹。
- in sing. archaic a number of interlocked or jammed items〈古〉(交通)堵塞:
I have seen all Albermarle Street closed by a lock of carriages.
- a short confined section of a canal or other waterway where the water level can be changed by the use of gates and sluices, used for raising and lowering boats between two gates(运河或其他水道的)船闸, 水闸。
- an airlock气塞。
- mass noun the turning of the front wheels of a vehicle to change its direction of motion前轮转向。
- (亦作full lock)the maximum extent of this完全转向。
- (亦作lock forward)Rugby a player in the second row of a scrum【英橄】第二排前锋。
a lock
N. Amer. informal a person or thing that is certain to succeed; a certainty〈北美, 非正式〉肯定成功的人(或事); 确定无疑的事。
- archaic a mechanism for exploding the charge of a gun〈古〉枪栓。
- with obj. fasten or secure (something) with a lock锁:
she closed and locked her desk
她关上书桌抽屉, 并将其锁住
as adj. locked behind locked doors.在上了锁的门后面。
- no obj.(of a door, window, box, etc.) become or be able to be secured through activation of a lock(门, 窗, 箱)锁上:
the door will automatically lock behind you.
- with obj. and adverbial enclose or shut in by locking or fastening a door, lid, etc.锁起来, 关起来:
the prisoners are locked in overnight
Phil locked away the takings every night.
- make or become rigidly fixed or immovable锁住, 扣住:
with obj. he locked his hands behind her neck他的双手勾住她的后颈
no obj. their gaze locked for several long moments.他们的目光凝视了好久。
- no obj. with adverbial of direction go through a lock on a canal过船闸:
we locked through at Moore Haven.
have a lock on
- N. Amer. informal have an unbreakable hold on or total control over〈北美, 非正式〉牢牢掌握(或控制)。
lock horns
- engage in conflict发生冲突; 起争端。
lock, stock, and barrel
- including everything; completely完全, 全部:
the place is owned lock, stock, and barrel by an oil company.
ORIGIN: referring to the complete mechanism of a firearm.
under lock and key
- securely locked up妥善锁藏着。
adjectivelock someone down
- N. Amer. confine a prisoner to their cell〈北美〉囚禁(犯人)。
lock someone/thing in(或into)
- involve someone or something in (a difficult or competitive situation)将某人(或某事)卷入(困境, 竞争):
they were locked in a legal battle.
- oblige a person or company to abide by the terms of a contract for a specific period要求…在特定时间内遵守合同条款:
you're locked in to the society's standard variable rate throughout that time.
lock on to
- locate (a target) by radar or similar means and then track(用雷达或类似手段)锁定(目标)。
lock someone out
- keep someone out of a room or building by locking the door给…吃闭门羹, 闭门不让进。
- (of an employer) subject employees to a lockout(雇主)不让员工进厂。
lock someone out of
- exclude someone from把某人排除于…之外:
those now locked out of the job market.
lock someone up(或away)
- imprison someone囚禁(某人)
lock something up (亦作lock up)
- shut and secure a building by fastening its doors with locks把(建筑)锁好:
they locked up the building and walked off
you could lock up for me when you leave.
lock something away
invest money in something so that it is not easily accessible把(钱)搁死在某事上: vast sums of money locked up in pension funds.
- a piece of a person's hair that coils or hangs together一绺头发:
she pushed back a lock of hair.
- chiefly poetic/literary (locks) a person's hair〈主诗/文〉头发:
flowing locks and a long white beard.
发随风舞, 白髯垂胸。
- a tuft of wool or cotton毛撮。