- no obj. remain alive活着:
the doctors said she had only six months to live
both cats lived to a ripe age.
- with adverbial be alive at a specified time生活在:
he lived four centuries ago.
- with adverbial spend one's life in a particular way or under particular circumstances活, 过活:
people are living in fear in the wake of the shootings.
枪杀事件后, 人们生活在恐惧之中。
- with obj. and adverbial lead (one's life) in a particular way过着…的生活:
he was living a life of luxury in Australia.
- supply oneself with the means of subsistence靠…维持最低生活, 以…为生:
they live by hunting and fishing.
- survive in someone's mind; be remembered留存(在记忆中), 活在心中:
only the name lived on.
- have an exciting or fulfilling life过着刺激(或充足)的生活:
he couldn't wait to get out of school and really start living.
他迫不及待地想迈出学校, 开始真正的生活。
- archaic (of a ship) escape destruction; remain afloat〈古〉(船)逃过劫难; 未沉没。
- no obj., with adverbial make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person在…定居; 和…一起居住:
I've lived in the East End all my life
they lived with his grandparents.
- informal (of an object) be kept in a particular place〈非正式〉(物)搁置在(某处):
I told her where the coffee lived and went back to sleep.
我告诉她咖啡搁在哪, 就又睡着了。
as I live and breathe
- used, especially in spoken English, to express one's surprise at coming across someone or something多用于英语口语中, 表达见到某人或某事的惊喜真没想到:
good God, Jack Stone, as I live and breathe!
老天, 是你吗, 杰克·斯通, 真没想到!
be living on borrowed time
live and breathe something
- be extremely interested in or enthusiastic about a particular subject or activity and so devote a great deal of one's time to it热衷于:
they live and breathe Italy and all things Italian.
live and let live
- proverb you should tolerate the opinions and behaviour of others so that they will similarly tolerate your own〈谚〉各行其是, 互不相扰; 自己活也让别人活; 相互宽容。
live by one's wits
- 见WIT1.
live dangerously
- do something risky, especially on a habitual basis提着脑袋过活。
live for the moment
live in hope
- be or remain optimistic about something乐观, 活在希望中。
live in the past
- have old-fashioned or outdated ideas and attitudes.活在过去的时代里, 思想守旧。
- dwell on or reminisce at length about past events怀旧。
live in sin
- 见SIN1.
live it up
- informal spend one's time in an extremely enjoyable way, typically by spending a great deal of money or engaging in an exciting social life〈非正式〉花大笔钱玩乐, 尽情享乐。
live off (或on) the fat of the land
- 见FAT.
live off the land
- 见LAND.
live out of a suitcase
- live or stay somewhere on a temporary basis and with only a limited selection of one's belongings, typically because one's occupation requires a great deal of travelling经常出差居无定所, 提着衣箱过日子, 背着铺盖卷过日子。
live one's own life
- follow one's own plans and principles independent of others自行其是; 按自己的意旨去做。
live rough
- live and sleep outdoors as a consequence of having no proper home无家可归, 露宿街头。
live to fight another day
- survive a particular experience or ordeal大难不死; 熬过来了。
live to regret something
- come to wish that one had not done something抱憾终生; 追悔莫及:
those who put work before their family life often live to regret it.
live to tell the tale
- survive a dangerous experience and be able to tell others about it大难不死, 以示后人。
live with oneself
- be able to retain one's self-respect as a consequence of one's actions要脸, 保持自尊:
taking money from children - how can you live with yourself?
long live -!
- said to express loyalty or support for a specified person or thing用以表达忠诚和支持…万岁!:
long live the Queen!
where one lives
- N. Amer. informal at, to, or in the right, vital, or most vulnerable spot〈北美, 非正式〉在死穴上, 在要害处:
it gets me where I live.
you haven't lived
- used, especially in spoken English, as a way of enthusiastically recommending something to someone who has not experienced it[多用在口语中向别人热情推介他未体验过的事物]简直就白活了。
you(或we)live and learn
- used, especially in spoken English, to acknowledge that a fact is new to one多用在口语中承认自己对某事不了解活到老学到老。
live something down
- usu. with negative succeed in making others forget something embarrassing that has happened常用于否定句中设法使人忘记不快之事。
live for
- regard as the purpose or most important aspect of one's life把…看作是自己一生的事业(或一生最重要的事), 为…活着:
Tony lived for his painting.
live in
- (of an employee or student) reside at the place where one works or studies(雇员, 学生)住宿舍。
live off(或on)
- depend on (someone or something) as a source of income or support靠…过日子, 以…为生:
if you think you're going to live off me for the rest of your life, you're mistaken.
你要是以为今后能靠我过一辈子, 那就想错了。
- have (a particular amount of money) with which to buy food and other necessities有糊口的钱。
- subsist on (a particular type of food)以…为粮食。
- (of a person) eat, or seem to eat, only (a particular type of food)(人)只吃…:
she used to live on bacon and tomato sandwiches.
live out
- (of an employee or student) reside away from the place where one works or studies(雇员, 学生)不住在宿舍里。
live something out
- do in reality that which one has thought or dreamed about实现(梦想):
your wedding day is the one time that you can live out your most romantic fantasies.
结婚那天, 你可以实现自己最浪漫的梦想。
- spend the rest of one's life in a particular place or particular circumstances(在某地或某种情况下)度过余生:
he lived out his days as a happy family man.
live through
- survive (an unpleasant experience or period)熬过:
both men lived through the Depression.
live together
- (especially of a couple not married to each other) share a home and have a sexual relationship(未婚)同居。
live up to
- fulfil (expectations)完成(心愿)。
- fulfil(an undertaking)完成(工作):
the president lived up to his promise to set America swiftly on a new path.
live with
- share a home and have a sexual relationship with (someone to whom one is not married)与…(未婚)同居。
- accept or tolerate (something unpleasant)接受, 容忍:
our marriage was a failure - you have to learn to live with that fact.
- attrib. not dead or inanimate; living活着的:
live animals
the number of live births and deaths.
- (of a vaccine) containing viruses or bacteria that are living but of a mild or attenuated strain(疫苗)有(受控制的)活体病毒或 (细菌)的。
- (of yogurt) containing the living micro-organisms by which it is formed(酸奶)有活性菌的。
- (of a musical performance) given in concert, not on a recording(音乐表演)现场的:
there is traditional live music played most nights.
- (of a broadcast) transmitted at the time of occurrence, not from a recording(广播)现场直播的, 实况转播的:
live coverage of the match.
- (of a musical recording) made during a concert, not in a studio(唱片)实录的, 现场的:
a live album.
- (of a wire or device) connected to a source of electric current(线路, 仪器)带电的, 通电的
- of, containing, or using undetonated explosive(装有)引爆物的:
live ammunition.
- (of coals) burning; glowing(煤)燃烧的。
- (of a match) unused(火柴)未用过的。
- (of a wheel or axle in machinery) moving or imparting motion(机器中轮或轴)运动的, 传动的。
- (of a ball in a game) in play, especially in contrast to being foul or out of bounds(球类运动中的球)处于比赛状态的。
- (of a question or subject) of current or continuing interest and importance(问题, 话题)最新的, 热点的:
the future organization of Europe has become a live issue.
- as or at an actual event or performance现场直播地, 实况转播地:
the match will be televised live.
go live
- Computing (of a system) become operational【计算机】(系统)启动。