/ʃʌt/- move (something) into position so that it blocks an opening关, 关闭:
shut the window, please
she shut her lips tight
她紧闭双唇, 一声不吭
as adj. shut she slammed the door shut.她砰的一声关上门。
- no obj.(of something that can block an opening) be moved or be able to be moved into position关上:
the door shut behind him.
- block an opening into (something) by moving something into position合上:
he shut the box and locked it.
shut it
in imperative informal stop talking; be quiet〈非正式〉别说话; 安静。
- with obj. and adverbial keep (someone or something) in a place by closing something such as a door把…关在:
it was his own dog which he had accidentally shut outside.
- fold or bring together the sides of (something) so as to close it合拢, 合上:
he shut his book.
- prevent access to or along禁止通行; 封闭:
they ought to shut the path up to that terrible cliff.
- chiefly Brit. make or become unavailable for business or service, either permanently or until it is next due to be open〈主英〉(使)停业; (使)停止开放, 关闭:
with obj. we shut the shop for lunch我们关上店门去吃午饭
no obj. the accident and emergency departments will shut.事故与应急部门将停止办公。
be(或get)shut of
- informal be (or get) rid of〈非正式〉摆脱; 去掉:
I'd be glad to be shut of him.
shut the door on(或to)
- 见DOOR.
shut one's eyes to
- 见EYE.
shut one's mind to
- 见MIND.
shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
shut up shop
- cease trading, either temporarily or permanently(临时性或永久性)停业, 关门。
- informal stop some activity〈非正式〉停止某项活动:
flowers that come in one great burst, then shut up shop for the rest of the year.
shut your face(或mouth 或trap)!
- informal used as a rude or angry way of telling someone to be quiet〈非正式〉(粗鲁或生气时用语)闭嘴!
shut down(或shut something down)
- cease (or cause something to cease) business or operation(使)停业; (使)关闭:
the plant's operators decided to shut down the reactor.
shut someone/thing in
- keep someone or something inside a place by closing something such as a door把…关在:
her parents shut her in an upstairs room.
- enclose or surround a place包围:
the village is shut in by the mountains on either side.
- trap something by shutting a door or drawer on it把…夹在门(或抽屉)缝里:
you shut your finger in the door.
shut off(或shut something off)
- (used especially in relation to water, electricity, or gas) stop (or cause something to stop) flowing关(或切断)(水、电或煤气等):
he was about to shut off the power.
- stop (or cause something to stop) working(使)停止运转:
the engines shut off automatically.
shut something off
- block the entrances and exits of something封闭(出入口):
the six compartments were being shut off from each other.
shut oneself off
- isolate oneself from other people与世隔绝。
shut someone/thing out
- keep someone or something out of a place or situation把…关在外面; 与…隔离:
the door swung to behind them, shutting out some of the noise.
门旋转到他们后面, 把一些噪音隔在外面。
- prevent an opponent from scoring in a game不让对手得分。
- screen someone or something from view挡住; 遮住:
clouds shut out the stars.
- prevent something from occurring使…不发生:
there was a high-mindedness which shut out any consideration of alternatives.
有一种高尚的品格, 对其他任何变通方法都不会考虑。
- block something such as a painful memory from the mind不去想(痛苦的记忆等):
anything he didn't like he shut out.
任何不喜欢的事, 他都不去想。
shut up(或shut someone up)
- often in imperative informal stop (or cause someone to stop) talking〈非正式〉(使)停止讲话, (使)住口:
just shut up and listen.
闭嘴, 好好听着。
shut something up
- close all doors and windows of a building or room, typically because it will be unoccupied for some time(因一段时间不居住而)关闭所有门窗。