1- formal with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of〈正式〉以免(坏事的发生); 免得; 唯恐:
he spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone.
他整天整天待在屋里, 头上戴着耳机, 以免打扰别人。
- (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case用在表示害怕的从句后面怕, 担心:
she sat up late worrying lest he be murdered on the way home.
她满心焦虑守候到很晚, 怕他在回来的路上会被谋杀。
There are very few contexts in English where the subjunctive mood is, strictly speaking, required: lest remains one of them. Thus the standard use is she was worrying lest he be attacked (not lest he was ) or she is using headphones lest she disturb anyone (not lest she disturbs anyone). See also SUBJUNCTIVE.
Old English ty lǣs the 'whereby less that', later the læste.