- Greek Mythology a young man, the lover of the priestess Hero. He was drowned swimming across the Hellespont to visit her.【希腊神话】利安得(女祭司海洛的年轻恋人, 泅渡赫勒斯滂与她相会时淹死)。
- (亦作Leander Club)the oldest amateur rowing club in the world, founded early in the 19th century, now based in Henley-on-Thames. Membership is a mark of distinction in the rowing world.利安得俱乐部(世上最早的业余划船俱乐部, 成立于19世纪早期, 总部位于泰晤士河畔亨利; 该会会籍被视为划船界殊荣)。