- with obj. and adverbial of place put down, especially gently or carefully(尤指轻轻或小心地)放下:
she laid the baby in his cot.
- with obj. prevent (something) from rising off the ground阻止(某物)从地面扬起:
there may have been the odd light shower just to lay the dust.
- with obj. put down and set in position for use铺设, (为使用)放好:
it is advisable to have your carpet laid by a professional
figurative 〈喻〉the groundwork for change had been laid.
- set cutlery, crockery, and mats on (a table) in preparation for a meal(为准备就餐)摆放餐具:
she laid the table for the evening meal.
- (常作be laid with)cover (a surface) with objects or a substance用物品(或材料)覆盖:
the floor was laid with mattresses.
- put the material for (a fire) in place and arrange it(为生火)积薪, 堆柴。
- make ready (a trap) for someone设置(陷阱):
she wouldn't put it past him to lay a trap for her.
- work out (an idea or suggestion) in detail ready for use or presentation制定, 拟订(想法, 建议):
I'd like more time to lay my plans.
lay something before
present information or suggestions to be considered and acted upon by (someone)(向某人)提供信息(或建议):he laid before Parliament proposals for the establishment of the committee.
- (一般作be laid)locate (an episode in a play, novel, etc.) in a certain place安排, 决定(戏剧、小说情节)的场景:
no one who knew the area could be in doubt where the scene was laid.
- with obj. stake (an amount of money) in a wager(用钱)下注:
she suspected he was pulling her leg, but she wouldn't have laid money on it.
她怀疑他在开她的玩笑, 但不会同他打赌。
- with obj. trim (a hedge) back, cutting the branches half through, bending them down, and interweaving them整修(树篱)。
- with obj. used with an abstract noun so that the phrase formed has the same meaning as the verb related to the noun used, e.g. 'lay the blame on' means 'to blame'[用在抽象名词前构成与该词意义相同的动词短语, 如 lay the blame on 意为to blame]:
she laid great stress on little courtesies.
lay something on
require (someone) to endure or deal with a responsibility or difficulty要求(某人)忍受(或承担, 面对)(责任, 困难):this is an absurdly heavy guilt trip to lay on anyone.
- with obj.(of a female bird, insect, reptile, or amphibian) produce (an egg) from inside the body(鸟, 虫, 爬行类, 两栖动物)产(卵):
flamingos lay only one egg
no obj. the hens were laying at the same rate as usual.母鸡以往常的频率下蛋。
- with obj. vulgar slang have sexual intercourse with〈粗俚〉与…性交。
- Nautical follow (a specified course)【航海】沿(特定航线)航行。
- with obj. trim (a hedge) back, cutting the branches half through, bending them down, and interweaving them修整, 编整(树篱)。
- in sing. the general appearance of an area of land, including the direction of streams, hills, and similar features地貌(包括河山走势等特征):
the lay of the surrounding countryside.
- the position or direction in which something lies(某物的)位置, 方向:
roll the carpet against the lay of the nap.
- the direction or amount of twist in rope strands(捻绳索时每股的)捻向(或捻转数)。
- vulgar slang an act of sexual intercourse〈粗俚〉性交。
- with adj. a person with a particular ability or availability as a sexual partner有特别能力的(或易找到的)性伴侣。
- mass noun the laying of eggs or the period during which they are laid产卵, 产卵期。
in lay
- (of a hen) laying eggs regularly(母鸡)定期下蛋的, 产卵期中的。
lay something at someone's door
- 见DOOR.
lay something bare
- bring something out of concealment; expose something使暴露, 揭露:
the sad tale of failure was laid bare.
lay a charge
- make an accusation提出控告:
we could lay a charge of gross negligence.
lay claim to something
- assert that one has a right to something提出所有权要求:
four men laid claim to the leadership.
- assert that one possesses a skill or quality声称具有技能(或品质):
she has never laid claim to medical knowledge.
lay down one's arms (或weapons)
- cease fighting放下武器, 缴械投降。
lay down the law
- 见LAW.
lay down one's life
- sacrifice one's life for a cause为事业献身(或捐躯):
the willingness of British troops to lay down their lives for their country is a humbling thought.
lay eyes on
- 见EYE.
lay a (或the) ghost
- exorcise a ghost驱鬼。
- finally cease to be troubled by the memory of an unpleasant situation or event不再被不愉快的记忆所困:
by claiming victory, they laid to rest the ghosts of five previous defeats.
因为获胜, 他们终于摆脱了前五次失败留在心里的阴影。
lay hands on (亦作lay或put one's hands on)
- find and take possession of找到并占用(或占有):
they huddled trying to keep warm under anything they could lay hands on.
他们挤在一起, 想用能弄到手的任何东西盖在身上保暖。
- place one's hands on or over, especially in confirmation, ordination, or spiritual healing(尤指行坚信礼、接受圣职或精神治疗时)置手于…之上。
lay hold of (或on)
- catch at with one's hands抓住:
he was afraid she might vanish if he did not lay hold of her.
他担心如果不抓住她, 她可能会消失。
- gain possession of获得, 拥有:
the gun was the only one he had been able to lay hold of.
lay it on the line
- 见
lay someone low
- (of an illness) reduce someone to inactivity(疾病)使躺倒。
- bring to an end the high position or good fortune formerly enjoyed by someone结束某人的高位(或好运):
she reflected on how quickly fate can lay a person low.
lay something on the table
lay something on thick(或with a trowel)
- informal grossly exaggerate or overemphasize something〈非正式〉过分夸大; 过分强调。
lay someone open to
- expose someone to the risk of (something)使某人处于(某种)危险境地:
his position could lay him open to accusations of favouritism.
lay oneself out to do something
- chiefly Brit. make a special effort to do something〈主英〉尽力做:
she's laying herself out to be pleasant.
lay siege to
lay store by
lay someone/thing to rest
- bury a body in a grave埋葬, 安葬。
- soothe and dispel fear, anxiety, grief, or a similar unpleasant emotion平息, 消除恐惧(或焦急, 悲伤等):
suspicion will be laid to rest by fact rather than hearsay.
事实而不是道听途说, 终将消除怀疑。
lay something (to) waste
lay about
- beat or attack (someone) violently猛打:
they weren't against laying about you with sticks and stones.
lay about one
strike out wildly on all sides四处猛击: the mare laid about her with her front legs and teeth.
lay something aside
- put something to one side放在一边:
he laid aside his book.
- keep business to deal with later把事情留待日后处理, 搁置。
- reserve money for the future or for a particular cause储钱(以备不日之需或为支持某一事业):
he begged them to lay something aside towards the cause.
- give up a practice or attitude放弃(做法, 态度):
the situation gave them a good reason to lay aside their differences.
lay something down
- put something that one has been holding on the ground or another surface放下:
she finished her eclair and laid down her fork.
- give up the use or enjoyment of something不再使用, 放弃:
they renounced violence and laid down their arms.
- sacrifice one's life in a noble cause(为高尚事业)献出(生命):
he laid down his life for his country.
- formulate and enforce or insist on a rule or principle制订并推行(或坚持)(规定, 原则):
stringent criteria have been laid down.
- set something in position for use on the ground or a surface铺设:
the floors were constructed by laying down precast concrete blocks.
- establish something in or on the ground(在地下或地面)建立, 建造:
the ancient grid of streets was laid down by Roman planners.
- begin to construct a ship or railway开始建造(船, 铁路)。
- (一般作be laid down)build up a deposit of a substance形成(物质沉积):
these cells lay down new bone tissue.
- store wine in a cellar用酒窖贮藏(葡萄酒)。
- pay or bet money付款, 下赌注。
- informal record a piece of music〈非正式〉录制(音乐):
he was invited to the studio to lay down some backing vocals.
lay something in/up
- build up a stock of something in case of need贮存(某物)以备需要。
lay into
- informal attack violently with words or blows〈非正式〉袭击, 口头攻击:
three youths laid into him.
lay off
- informal give up〈非正式〉放弃:
I laid off smoking for seven years.
- usu. in imperative used to advise someone to stop doing something用于建议某人停止做某事算了:
lay off - he's not going to tell you.
算了, 他不会告诉你的。
lay someone off
- discharge a worker temporarily or permanently because of a shortage of work; make someone redundant解雇, 使下岗。
lay something off
- chiefly Soccer pass the ball to a teammate who can make progress with it【主英足】传(球)。
- paint the final layer on a wall or other surface, so as to give a smooth finish为(墙面等)刷最后一层涂料, 抛光。
- (of a bookmaker) insure against a loss resulting from a large bet by placing a similar bet with another bookmaker(赛马赌博经纪人)(为确保不输钱而)另下赌注, 两头下注。
lay something on
- chiefly Brit. provide a service or amenity〈主英〉提供服务(或设施):
the council provides a grant to lay on a bus.
- informal require (someone) to endure or deal with a responsibility or difficulty〈非正式〉要求(某人)承担责任(或处理难题):
this is an absurdly heavy guilt trip to lay on anyone.
这种负罪感出奇地沉重, 任何人都难以承受。
lay someone out
- prepare someone for burial after death为(死者)装殓。
- informal knock someone unconscious〈非正式〉打昏:
he was lucky that the punch didn't lay him out.
他很幸运, 那一拳没有把他打昏。
lay something out
- spread something out to its full extent, especially so that it can be seen(尤指为检查)摊开:
the police were insisting that suitcases should be opened and their contents laid out.
警察坚持要打开手提箱, 让里面的东西一目了然。
- construct or arrange buildings or gardens according to a plan按照规划建造:
they proceeded to lay out a new town.
- arrange and present material for printing and publication(印刷, 出版)设计版面:
the brochure is beautifully laid out.
- explain something clearly and carefully阐明, 解释清楚:
we need a paper laying out our priorities.
- informal spend a sum of money〈非正式〉花一笔钱:
look at the money I had to lay out for your uniform.
lay over
- US break one's journey〈美〉中断旅程。
lay up
- Golf hit the ball deliberately to a lesser distance than possible, typically in order to avoid a hazard【高尔夫】(尤指为避免风险)故意近击。
lay someone up
- put someone out of action through illness or injury(疾病, 伤害)使躺倒:
he was laid up with his familiar fever.
lay something up
- 见lay something in.
- take a ship or other vehicle out of service停驶(船等):
our boats were laid up during the winter months.
- assemble plies or layers in the arrangement required for the manufacture of plywood or other laminated material(造胶合板等时)叠加板层。
- not ordained into or belonging to the clergy世俗的, 在俗的:
a lay preacher.
- not having professional qualifications or expert knowledge, especially in law or medicine(尤指法学、医学)外行的, 界外的:
a lay member of the Health Authority.
- a short lyric or narrative poem meant to be sung(演唱用)抒情(或叙事)短诗。
- poetic/literary a song〈诗/文〉歌:
on his lips there died the cheery lay.