- (一般作one's lap)the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person(人坐下时的)大腿面, 膝上:
come and sit on my lap.
来, 坐在我腿上。
- the part of an item of clothing, especially a skirt or dress, covering the lap(衣服, 尤指裙装)下摆。
- archaic a hanging flap on a garment or a saddle〈古〉(衣服或马鞍的)翘边。
fall(或drop)into someone's lap
- (of something pleasant or desirable) come someone's way without any effort having been made(好事)轻而易举得到, 得来全不费功夫:
women fall at his feet, power falls into his lap.
女人拜倒在他脚下, 权力不请自来。
in someone's lap
- as someone's responsibility作为某人的责任:
she dumped the problem in my lap.
in the lap of the gods
- (of the success of a plan or event) open to chance; depending on factors that one cannot control(计划或事件的成败)听天由命。
in the lap of luxury
- in conditions of great comfort and wealth在养尊处优的环境中。
noun (pl.-fuls)- one circuit of a track or racetrack(跑道或赛道的)一圈。
- a stage in a swim consisting of two lengths of a pool(与泳池来回距离相等的)泳段。
- a section of a journey or other endeavour(旅程或其他活动的)一段:
we caught a cab for the last lap of our journey.
- an overlapping or projecting part重叠部分; 凸出部分。
- mass noun the amount by which one thing overlaps or covers a part of another重叠量, 覆盖程度。
- Metallurgy a defect formed in rolling when a projecting part is accidentally folded over and pressed against the surface of the metal【冶】折皱。
- (in a steam engine) the distance by which the valve overlaps the steam port (or the exhaust port)(蒸汽机)阀遮盖量。
- a single turn of rope, thread, or cable round a drum or reel(线绳缠绕)一圈。
- a layer or sheet, typically wound on a roller, into which cotton or wool is formed during its manufacture(棉花或羊毛加工绕辊时)一层, 一片。
- (in a lapping machine) a rotating disc with a coating of fine abrasive for polishing(研磨机)磨盘。
- a polishing tool of a special shape, coated or impregnated with an abrasive抛光工具。
- overtake (a competitor in a race) to become one or more laps ahead领先(赛跑竞争对手)一圈(或数圈):
she lapped all of her rivals in the 3,000 metres.
- no obj.(of a competitor or vehicle in a race) complete a lap, especially in a specified time(赛跑选手、赛车, 尤指在一定时间内)完成一圈:
Mansell lapped two tenths of a second faster than anyone else.
lap someone/thing in
poetic/literary enfold or swathe a person or thing, especially a part of the body, in (something soft)〈诗/文〉(用软物将人或物)裹住, 包扎:he was lapped in blankets
figurative 〈喻〉I was accustomed to being lapped in luxury.
- no obj. project beyond or overlap something凸出, 覆盖:
the blanket of snow lapped over the roofs of the house.
- polish (a gem, or a metal or glass surface) with a lapping machine用精研机抛光(宝石、金属或玻璃表面)。
- (of an animal) take up (liquid) with the tongue in order to drink(动物)舔食(流体):
the cat was lapping up a saucer of milk.
lap something up
accept something eagerly and with obvious pleasure欣然接受:she's lapping up the attention.
- (of water) wash against (something) with a gentle rippling sound(水)冲刷, 拍打:
the waves lapped the shore
no obj. the sound of the river lapping against the banks.河水拍打河岸的声音。
- the action of water washing gently against something水流冲刷:
listening to the comfortable lap of the waves against the shore.