Khyber Pass
/ˈkaɪbə(r)/- a mountain pass in the Hindu Kush, on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan at a height of 1,067 m (3,520 ft). The pass was for long of great commercial and strategic importance, the route by which successive invaders entered India, and was garrisoned by the British intermittently between 1839 and 1947.开伯尔山口(兴都库什的山口, 位于巴基斯坦和阿富汗的边界上海拔1,067米, 即3,520英尺处; 该山口长期以来具有重要的商业和战略意义, 是历次入侵者进入印度的路线, 1839-1947年英国在此断续驻防)。