- have or retain possession of拥有, 占有; 保有:
my father would keep the best for himself
she had trouble keeping her balance.
- retain or reserve for use in the future保留, 保存(以备将来之需):
return one copy to me, keeping the other for your files.
把一份副本还给我, 你保留另一份存档。
- put or store in a regular place保管; 存放:
the stand where her umbrella was kept.
- retain one's place in or on (a seat or saddle, the ground, etc.) against opposition or difficulty(在座位、鞍子或地面上等克服障碍或困难)坐稳; 站稳:
can you keep your saddle, or shall I carry you on a pillion?
你能在马鞍上坐稳吗, 或者我用后鞍带你?
- delay or detain; cause to be late耽搁; 延迟; 耽误:
I won't keep you, I know you've got a busy evening.
我不耽误你了, 我知道你今晚很忙。
- continue or cause to continue in a specified condition, position, course, etc.(使) 继续处于某情形(或位置、进程等), 保持:
no obj., with complement she could have had some boyfriend she kept quiet about她可能有过一位她始终缄口不提的男朋友
keep left along the wall
with obj. and complement she might be kept alive artificially by machinery.她或许可以靠机器用人工方法来维持生命。
- no obj., with present participle continue doing or do repeatedly or habitually继续做; 反复做; 习惯性地做:
he keeps going on about the murder.
- no obj.(of a perishable commodity) remain in good condition(易变质商品)保持良好状态。
- no obj., with adverbial Brit. be in a specified state of health〈英〉处于某种健康状况:
he had not been keeping well for the past three months.
- with obj. and present participle make (someone) do something for a period of time使(某人)在一段时间里做(某事):
I have kept her waiting too long.
- archaic continue to follow (a way, path, or course)〈古〉继续沿(道路、小径或路线)行走:
the friars and soldiers removed, keeping their course towards Jericho.
修道士和士兵动身离去, 继续沿着他们的路线朝耶利哥方向走去。
- provide for the sustenance of (someone)抚养, 赡养, 养活(某人):
he had to keep his large family in the manner he had chosen.
- provide (someone) with a regular supply of a commodity定期供给(某人), 供应:
the money should keep him in cigarettes for a week.
- own and look after (an animal) for pleasure or profit(为消遣或赢利)饲养(动物)。
- own and manage (a shop or business)经营, 管理, 开(店铺或商行)。
- guard; protect守卫, 看守; 保护:
his only thought is to keep the boy from harm.
他一心只想保护这个男孩, 使他免受伤害。
- support (someone, especially a woman) financially in return for sexual favours(为性爱)包养(某人, 尤指女性)。
- no obj. act as a goalkeeper or wicketkeeper当足球(或板球)守门员。
- honour or fulfil (a commitment or undertaking)承兑, 兑现; 实现, 履行(义务或诺言):
I'll keep my promise, naturally.
- observe (a religious occasion) in the prescribed manner(按规定)纪念, 庆祝; 守(宗教节日):
today's consumers do not keep the Sabbath.
- pay due regard to (a law or custom)尊重(法律或习俗)。
- make written entries in (a diary) on a regular basis记(日记等); 定期(在日记等上做记录):
the master kept a weekly journal.
- write down as (a record)记录:
keep a note of the whereabouts of each item.
- mass noun food, clothes, and other essentials for living(食物、衣服等)生活必需物品:
the Society are paying for your keep.
- the cost of such items维持起码生活的花费。
- mass noun archaic charge; control〈古〉照管; 控制:
if from shepherd's keep a lamb strayed far.
- the strongest or central tower of a castle, acting as a final refuge(作最后退守之处的)城堡最强固的(或中心)塔楼。
you can't keep a good man (或woman) down
- informal a competent person will always recover well from setbacks or problems〈非正式〉有能力的人不会被挫折或困难压垮。
for keeps
- informal permanently; indefinitely〈非正式〉永远地; 无限期地。
keep one's feet
- manage not to fall站稳, 不跌倒。
keep goal
- chiefly Soccer act as a goalkeeper【主英足】守球门。
keep going
- make an effort to live normally when in a difficult situation(困难时)努力维持正常生活。
keep open house
- provide general hospitality好客。
keep to oneself
- avoid contact with others避开与人接触, 独处。
keep something to oneself
- refuse to disclose or share something不把…告诉别人; 守口如瓶。
keep up with the Joneses
- try to maintain the same social and material standards as one's friends or neighbours与人攀比(试图与朋友或邻居保持同样的社会地位和物质生活水平)。
keep wicket
- Cricket act as a wicketkeeper【板球】守板球门。
adjectivekeep someone after
- US make a pupil stay at school after normal hours as a punishment〈美〉(作为对小学生的惩罚)放学后留校。
keep at(或keep someone at)
- persist (or force someone to persist) with继续努力, 坚持不懈; 迫使某人继续不停地做:
it was the best part of a day's work but I kept at it.
这占去了一天工作量的大部分, 但我坚持下来了。
keep away(或keep someone away)
- stay away (or make someone stay away)离开, 避开; 使离开, 使避开:
keep away from the edge of the cliff.
keep back(或 keep someone/thing back)
- remain (or cause someone or something to remain) at a distance留在远处, 不靠近; 阻止靠近:
he had kept back from the river when he could.
keep someone back
- make a pupil repeat a year at school because of poor marks(因其成绩不好)使(小学生)留级。
- Brit. make a pupil stay at school after normal hours as a punishment〈英〉(作为对小学生的惩罚)放学后留校。
keep something back
- retain or withhold something保留, 扣留, 扣下:
the father kept back £5 for himself.
- decline to disclose something拒绝透露某事。
- prevent tears from flowing忍住泪水。
keep down
- stay hidden by crouching or lying down(为隐蔽而)趴下, 卧倒:
Keep down! There's someone coming.
keep someone down
- make a pupil repeat a year at school because of poor marks(因其成绩不好)使(小学生)留级。
- hold someone in subjection征服, 镇压, 制服(某人)。
keep something down
- cause something to remain at a low level把…控制在较低水平上:
the population of aphids is normally kept down by other animals.
- retain food or drink in one's stomach without vomiting不呕吐出。
keep from(或keep someone from)
- avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something避免做某事; 使某人避免做某事:
Dinah bit her lips to keep from screaming
he could hardly keep himself from laughing.
keep something from
- cause something to remain a secret from (someone)对(某人)保密, 隐瞒。
- cause something to stay out of使避开, 使不受影响:
she could not keep the dismay from her voice.
keep in with
- remain on good terms with (someone)和(某人)保持关系良好。
keep someone in
- confine someone indoors or in a particular place限制某人留在室内(或某个地方):
he should be kept in overnight for a second operation.
keep something in
- restrain oneself from expressing a feeling抑制感情:
he wanted to make me mad, but I kept it all in.
他想逼我发火, 但是我抑制住了。
keep off
- avoid encroaching on or touching避免侵占; 不接近。
- avoid consuming or smoking避免吃、喝或吸烟:
the first thing was to keep off alcohol.
- avoid (a subject)避开(话题)。
- (of bad weather) fail to occur(坏天气)没有发生, 没有出现。
keep someone/thing off
- prevent someone or something from encroaching on or touching使某人(或某物)避免侵占; 使某人(或某物)不接近:
keep your hands off me.
keep someone off
- prevent someone from attending (school)阻止(某人)上(学)。
keep on
- continue to do something继续做某事:
they would have preferred to keep on working.
keep on about
- speak about (something) repeatedly就(某事)喋喋不休。
keep on at
- annoy (someone) by making frequent requests对…纠缠不休:
he'd kept on at her, wanting her to go out with him.
他对她纠缠不休, 要她跟他出去。
keep someone/thing on
- continue to use or employ someone or something继续使用(或雇用)。
keep out(或keep someone/thing out)
- remain (or cause someone or something to remain) outside留在外面; 不让…进来:
cover with cheesecloth to keep out flies.
用薄纱布盖住, 防止苍蝇飞进来。
keep to
- avoid leaving (a path, road, or place)不离开, 留在(某条小路, 道路或某地方)。
- adhere to (a schedule)遵循(时间表)。
- observe (a promise)遵守(诺言)。
- confine or restrict oneself to切题:
nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point.
keep someone under
- hold a person or group in subjection压服, 制服, 征服(人, 群体):
the local people are kept under by the army.
keep up
- move or progress at the same rate as someone or something else跟上:
often they had to pause to allow him to keep up.
他们时常不得不停一停, 等他跟上来。
- meet a commitment to pay or do something regularly承诺按期付款或做(某事):
if you do not keep up with the payments, the loan company can make you sell your home.
如果你不按期付款, 贷款银行就会让你卖掉房子。
keep up with
- learn about or be aware of (current events or developments)了解或知道时事或形势。
- continue to be in contact with (someone)保持与(某人)接触。
keep someone up
- prevent someone from going to bed or to sleep使某人熬夜。
keep something up
- maintain or preserve something in the existing state; continue a course of action使事情保持现有状态; 继续事态进程:
keep up the good work.
- keep something in an efficient or proper state使事情处于高效(或恰当)状态:
the rector could not afford to keep up the grounds.
- make something remain at a high level使…保持高昂(或高水准状态):
he was whistling to keep up his spirits.