- the upper joint of each of a person's arms and the part of the body between this and the neck肩, 肩膀, 肩胛。
- (in quadrupeds) the joint of the upper forelimb and the adjacent part of the back(四足动物的)肩背。
- the part of a bird or insect at which the wing is attached(鸟、昆虫的)肩背。
- a joint of meat from the upper foreleg and shoulder blade of an animal(动物的)带肩肉前腿肉。
- a shoulder of lamb(羔羊的)带肩肉前腿肉。
- a part of a garment covering the shoulder(衣服的)肩部:
a jacket with padded shoulders.
the upper part of the back and arms上背部:a tall youth with broad shoulders.
figurative this part of the body regarded as bearing responsibility or hardship or providing strength〈喻〉(担负责任或艰难困苦或提供力量的)肩膀:all accounts place the blame squarely on his shoulders.
- a part of something resembling a shoulder in shape, position, or function肩状物:
the shoulder of a pulley.
- a point at which a steep slope descends from a plateau or highland area山肩; 谷肩:
the shoulder of the hill sloped down
a resort sheltered by the shoulder of Ben Nevis.
- another term for HARD SHOULDER.
- with obj. put (something heavy) over one's shoulder or shoulders to carry肩扛; 肩挑:
we shouldered our crippling backpacks and set off slowly up the hill.
我们肩扛沉重的背包, 开始慢慢向山上爬。
- figurative take on (a burden or responsibility)〈喻〉肩负(重担, 责任):
the day-to-day work will be shouldered by an action group.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction push (someone or something) out of one's way with one's shoulder用肩推(或挤):
she shouldered him brusquely aside.
- no obj., with adverbial of direction move in this way用肩推挤:
he shouldered past a woman with a baby
he shouldered his way through the seething mass of children.
be looking over one's shoulders
- be anxious or insecure about a possible danger小心提防:
takeovers are the thing that keeps suppliers looking over their shoulders.
put one's shoulder to the wheel
- set to work vigorously全力以赴。
shoulder arms
- hold a rifle against the right side of the body, barrel upwards枪上肩。
a shoulder to cry on
- someone who listens sympathetically to someone's problems能提供慰藉的人。
shoulder to shoulder
- side by side肩并肩:
everyone is bunched together shoulder to shoulder.
- acting together towards a common aim; with united effort朝共同目标行动; 齐心协力地:
we fought shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the country.
我们与全国的其他人齐心协力, 共同作战。