a great mountain system of central Asia, extending over 480 km (300 miles) south-eastwards from NE Afghanistan to Kashmir and forming part of the borders of India and Pakistan with China. One of the highest mountain systems in the world, it consists of a group of parallel ranges, forming a westwards continuation of the Himalayas, with many peaks over 7,900 m (26,000 ft), the highest being K2.
喀喇昆仑山脉(亚洲中部一大山系, 由阿富汗东北部向东南延伸至克什米尔, 绵延480公里, 即300英里, 形成印度和巴基斯坦与中国之间的部分边界, 为世界上最高的山系之一, 包括若干个平行的山脉, 形成了喜马拉雅山脉向西的延续段, 很多山峰超过7,900米, 即26,000英尺, 最高峰为K2峰)。