Juan Carlos
/hwɑːnˈkɑːlɒs/- (b. 1938) , grandson of Alfonso XIII, king of Spain since 1975; full name Juan Carlos Victor María de Borbón y Borbón. Franco's chosen successor, he became king after Franco's death. His reign has seen Spain's increasing liberalization and its entry into NATO and the European Community.胡安·卡洛斯(生于1938年, 阿方索十三世之孙, 1975年起为西班牙国王; 全名胡安·卡洛斯·维克托·马里亚·德·博尔冯-博尔冯; 作为佛朗哥选定的王位继承人, 佛朗哥死后即位为西班牙国王; 在位期间西班牙日趋自由化并且加入了北约组织和欧洲共同体)。