/dʒɔɪs/- Joyce, James (Augustine Aloysius) (1882-1941), Irish writer. One of the most important writers of the modernist movement, he made his name with Dubliners (short stories, 1914). His novel Ulysses (1922) revolutionized the structure of the modern novel and developed the stream-of-consciousness technique. Other notable novels: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1914-15) and Finnegans Wake (1939).乔伊斯, 詹姆斯(奥古斯丁·阿洛伊修斯)(1882-1941, 爱尔兰作家。现代主义运动最重要的作家之一, 1914年的短篇小说集《都柏林人》使他一举成名, 小说《尤利西斯》[1922]使现代小说结构产生了巨大的变革并发展了意识流创作技巧; 其他代表作品: 《青年艺术家肖像》[1914-1915]和《芬尼根的苏醒》[1939])。