- (1165-1216) , son of Henry II, king of England 1199-1216; known as John Lackland. He lost most of his French possessions, including Normandy, to Phillip II of France. In 1209 he was excommunicated for refusing to accept Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury. Forced to sign Magna Carta by his barons (1215), he ignored its provisions and civil war broke out.约翰(1165-1216, 亨利二世之子, 英格兰国王[1199-1216]; 通称失土王约翰; 在他统治时期, 英国在法国的大部分领地, 包括诺曼底, 都被法国国王菲利普二世收回, 1209年因拒绝承认史蒂芬·兰顿为坎特伯雷大主教而被逐出教会, 1215年贵族们强迫他签署了大宪章, 但他无视该宪章的规定, 导致内战爆发)。
- the name of six kings of Portugal若昂(葡萄牙六位君主的名字):
- John Ⅰ (1357-1433), reigned 1385-1433; known as John the Great. Reinforced by an English army, he defeated the Castilians at Aljubarrota (1385), winning independence for Portugal.若昂一世(1357-1433,1385-1433在位; 通称若昂大帝。1385年在英军援助下, 在阿尔茹巴罗塔击败卡斯蒂利亚人, 赢得葡萄牙独立)。
- John Ⅱ (1455-95), reigned 1481-1495若昂二世(1455-1495,1481-1495在位)。
- John Ⅲ (1502-57), reigned 1521-57若昂三世(1502-1557,1521-1557在位)。
- John Ⅳ (1604-56), reigned 1640-56; known as John the Fortunate. The founder of the Braganza dynasty, he expelled a Spanish usurper and proclaimed himself king.若昂四世(1604-1656,1640-1656在位; 通称幸运的若昂; 他放逐了西班牙篡位者, 自立为王, 创建布拉甘扎王朝。)
- John Ⅴ (1689-1750), reigned 1706-50若昂五世(1689-1750,1706-1750在位)。
- John Ⅵ (1767-1826), reigned 1816-26若昂六世(1767-1826,1816-1826在位)。
- John3, Augustus (Edwin) (1878-1961), Welsh painter. Frequent subjects of his work are the gypsies of Wales; he was also noted for his portraits of the wealthy and famous, particularly prominent writers. He was the brother of Gwen John.约翰, 奥古斯塔斯(·埃德温)(1878-1961, 威尔士画家, 常以威尔士的吉卜赛人为绘画素材, 他为名人及富人, 尤其是著名作家, 所作的肖像画使他成名; 他是格温·约翰的弟弟)。
- John4, Barry (b. 1945), Welsh rugby union player. During his international career (1966-72) he played at halfback and scored a record ninety points for his country.约翰, 巴里(生于1945年, 威尔士橄榄球联盟球员, 在1966-1972的国际比赛中, 他担任中卫, 创造了为自己国家赢得90分的纪录)。
- John5, Sir Elton (Hercules) (b. 1947), English pop and rock singer, pianist, and songwriter; born Reginald Kenneth Dwight. His many hit songs include 'Your Song' (1970) and 'Nikita' (1985). His tribute to Diana, Princess of Wales, 'Candle in the Wind', became the highest-selling single in history.约翰, 埃尔顿(·赫尔克里士)爵士(生于1947年, 英国流行歌曲和摇滚歌手, 钢琴家, 作曲人; 出生名雷金纳德·肯尼思·德怀特; 他众多走红的歌曲包括《你的歌》[1970]和《尼基塔》[1985]; 他为黛安娜王妃所作的悼歌《风之烛》成为历史上销量最高的单曲唱片)。
- John6, Gwen (1876-1939), Welsh painter. The sister of Augustus John, she settled in France. In 1913 she converted to Catholicism; her paintings, noted for their grey tonality, often depict nuns or girls in interior settings.约翰, 格温 (1876-1939, 威尔士画家, 奥古斯塔斯·约翰的姐姐, 定居法国, 1913年改信天主教; 她的作品以灰色调闻名, 多刻画室内的修女或年轻女子)。