/ˈdʒiːzəs/(亦作Jesus Christ 或Jesus of Nazareth)
- the central figure of the Christian religion耶稣。
- Jesus conducted a mission of preaching and healing (with reported miracles) in Palestine in about AD 28-30, which is described in the Gospels, as are his arrest, death by crucifixion, and Resurrection from the dead. His followers considered him to be the Christ or Messiah and the Son of God, and belief in his Resurrection became a central tenet of Christianity.
- as exclamation an oath used to express irritation, dismay, or surprise表示不耐烦、沮丧或惊奇的咒语天啊。
from Christian Latin Iesus, from Greek Iēsous, from a late Hebrew or Aramaic analogous formation based on Yěhōšûā' 'Joshua'.