- (c. 650-c. 585 BC) a Hebrew major prophet who foresaw the fall of Assyria, the conquest of his country by Egypt and Babylon, and the destruction of Jerusalem. The biblical Lamentations are traditionally ascribed to him.耶利米(约公元前650-约前585年, 希伯来的一位大先知, 预言亚述的衰落, 他的国家将被埃及和巴比伦征服, 以及耶路撒冷的毁灭, 据传《圣经》中的哀歌都是由他撰写的)。
- a book of the Bible containing his prophecies《耶利米书》(《圣经》中包括耶利米预言的一卷)。
- as noun a Jeremiah a person who complains continually or foretells disaster总是抱怨的人; 预言灾难的人。