a city and port on the Mediterranean coast of Israel, forming a southern suburb of the Tel Aviv conurbation and since 1949 united with Tel Aviv; pop. (with Tel Aviv) 392,500 (est. 2008). Inhabited since prehistoric times, Jaffa was a Byzantine bishopric until captured by the Arabs in 636; later, it was a stronghold of the Crusaders. Hebrew name
YAFO; biblical name
雅法(以色列地中海沿海城市和港口, 特拉维夫大都市圈的南郊的卫星城, 1949年起与特拉维夫合而为一; 2008年包括特拉维夫在内的估计人口392,500; 史前时期就有人在此地居住, 曾是东罗马帝国的主教辖区, 636年被阿拉伯人占领; 之后又成为十字军的要塞; 希伯来语名
YAFO; 圣经名