/ˈdʒeɪkəb/- (in the Bible) a Hebrew patriarch, the younger of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca, who persuaded his brother Esau to sell him his birthright and tricked him out of his father's blessing (Gen. 25,27). His twelve sons became the founders of the twelve tribes of ancient Israel.(圣经中的)雅各(希伯来人的祖先, 以撒和利百加所生的双胞胎中的幼子; 据《创世纪》25,27, 他劝说其兄以扫把长子权出卖给他, 并骗走父亲对其兄的恩赐; 他的12个儿子后来成为古以色列12个部落的始祖)。
from Hebrew ya 'aqōḇ 'following after, supplanter'.