Shoemaker-levy 9
/ˈʃuːˌmeɪkəˈliːvɪ/- a comet discovered in March 1993, when it had just broken up as a result of passing very close to Jupiter. In July 1994 more than twenty separate fragments impacted successively on Jupiter, causing large explosions in its atmosphere.休梅克-列维九彗星(1993年3月发现的一颗彗星, 当时由于太靠近木星而碎裂; 1994年7月, 20多块散碎片相继撞击木星, 造成木星大气层大爆炸)。
named after Carolyn (born 1929) and Eugene Shoemaker (1928-97), American astronomers, and David Levy (born 1948), Canadian astronomer, discoverers of the comet.