- a unit of linear measure equal to one twelfth of a foot (2.54 cm)英寸(12分之1英尺, 2.54厘米):
the toy train is four inches long
eighteen inches of thread.
informal a person's height or waist measurement〈非正式〉身高; 腰围:my only reservation is the goalkeeper's lack of inches.
- often with negative a very small amount or distance(量, 距离)少许, 一点:
I had no intention of budging an inch.
- a unit used to express other quantities, in particular表示其他量的单位, 尤指:
- (as a unit of rainfall) a quantity that would cover a horizontal surface to a depth of one inch(降雨量单位)英寸(水平表面1英寸积水量)。
- (亦作inch of mercury)(as a unit of atmospheric pressure) an amount that would support a column of mercury one-inch high in a barometer (equal to 33.86 millibars, 29.5 inches being equal to one bar)(气压单位)英寸(气压计内1英寸水银柱, 等于33.86毫巴, 29.5吋等于1巴)。
- (as a unit of map scale) so many inches representing one mile on the ground(地图比例单位)表示地面为1英里的英寸数:
in combination one-inch maps of the east Midland counties.英格兰中部靠东各郡的1英寸比例图。
- move slowly and carefully in a specified direction慢慢移动:
inching along a motorway during the rush hour
figurative 〈喻〉Spain's conservatives are inching ahead.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction cause (something) to move in this manner使慢慢移动, 使渐进:
he inched the car forward.
by inches
- only just差一点儿:
the shot missed her by inches.
- very slowly and gradually; bit by bit缓慢地; 一点一点地:
you can't let him die by inches like this.
every inch
- the whole surface, distance, or area(表面、距离、地区的)每一寸, 全部:
between them they know every inch of the country.
- entirely; very much so完全, 彻底; 无疑, 正是:
he's every inch the gentleman.
give someone an inch and he(或she)will take a mile
- proverb once concessions have been made to someone they will demand a great deal〈谚语〉得寸进尺。
inch by inch
- gradually; bit by bit渐渐地; 一点一点地:
inch by inch he crept along the wall.
within an inch of
- very close to差点儿, 贴近:
her mouth was within an inch of his chin.
(to) within an inch of one's life
- almost to the point of death差点儿丧命:
he was beaten within an inch of his life.