Arabian Nights
- a collection of stories and romances written in Arabic. The king of Samarkand has killed all his wives after one night's marriage until he marries Scheherazade, who saves her life by entertaining him with stories. The stories include the tales of Aladdin and Sinbad the Sailor.《一千零一夜》(一译《天方夜谭》, 阿拉伯故事集; 撒马尔罕国王与所有新婚妻子过夜后就将她们处死, 直到他与山鲁佐德结为夫妻, 山鲁佐德用讲故事的方法使自己免于一死; 故事集包括《阿拉丁》、《水手辛巴达历险记》)。亦称ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS或THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS.