/ˈhɪksɒs/plural noun
- a people of mixed Semitic and Asian descent who invaded Egypt and settled in the Nile delta c. 1640 BC. They formed the 15th and 16th dynasties of Egypt and ruled a large part of the country until driven out c. 1532 BC.西克索人(闪米特人和亚细亚人的混血后裔, 公元前约1640年入侵埃及, 并在尼罗河三角洲定居, 建立埃及第15和16王朝, 公元前约1532年被驱逐出之前统治了埃及许多地区)。
from Greek Huksōs (interpreted by Manetho as 'shepherd kings' or 'captive shepherds'), from Egyptian heqa khoswe 'foreign rulers'.