- of, relating to, or denoting an ancient people, originally from Armenia, who settled in Syria and northern Mesopotamia during the 3rd-2nd millennia BC and were later absorbed by the Hittites and Assyrians(与)胡里人(有关)的(源于亚美尼亚, 公元前3000-前2000年在叙利亚和美索不达米亚北部定居, 后被赫梯人和亚述人同化)。
- a member of this people胡里人。
- mass noun the language of the Hurrians, written in cuneiform and of unknown affinity (it is not Indo-European or Semitic)胡里语(楔形文字, 亲缘关系不明, 不属于印欧语或闪米特语)。