- a hollow place in a solid body or surface洞, 窟窿:
he managed to dig out a small snow hole.
- an animal's burrow洞穴。
- an aperture passing through something孔, 缝隙, 洞:
he had a hole in his sock.
- a cavity or receptacle on a golf course, typically one of eighteen or nine, into which the ball must be hit(高尔夫球场的)球洞(尤指18个或9个中的一个)。
- a cavity of this type as representing a division of a golf course or of play in golf(表示高尔夫球场或球赛分区的)球洞:
Stephen lost the first three holes to Eric.
- Physics a position from which an electron is absent, especially one regarded as a mobile carrier of positive charge in a semiconductor【物】空穴。
- in place names a valley山谷:
Seaton Hole.
- informal a small or unpleasant place〈非正式〉弹丸之地, 小地方; 讨厌的地方:
she had wasted a whole lifetime in this hole of a town.
- informal an awkward situation〈非正式〉困境, 尴尬的处境:
get yourself out of a hole.
- a shortcoming, weakness, or flaw in a plan or argument(计划或论证中的)漏洞:
intriguing as it sounds, the theory is full of holes.
尽管这理论听起来引人入胜, 实际上却是漏洞百出。
- make a hole or holes in打洞于:
a fuel tank was holed by the attack and a fire started.
油箱被这次袭击打了个洞, 起火了。
- Golf hit (the ball) so that it falls into a hole【高尔夫】(把球)击入洞:
alternate shots from each partner until the ball is holed
每个伙伴交替击球, 直到把球击入球洞。
no obj. he holed in one at the third.第三个球洞, 他是一击入洞的。
blow a hole in
- ruin the effectiveness of (something)破坏有效性:
the amendment could blow a hole in the legislation.
in the hole
- N. Amer. informal in debt〈北美, 非正式〉负债:
we're still three thousand dollars in the hole.
in holes
- worn so much that holes have formed有破洞:
my clothes are in holes.
make a hole in
- use a large amount of大量耗费:
holidays can make a big hole in your savings.
need something like a hole in the head
- informal used to emphasize that someone has absolutely no need or desire for something〈非正式〉绝对不需要。
adjectivehole out
- Golf send the ball into a hole【高尔夫】击球入洞。
- Cricket (of a batsman) hit the ball to a fielder and be caught【板球】(击球手)击球(被外场手截获而)出局。
hole up
- informal hide oneself〈非正式〉躲藏, 隐蔽:
I holed up for two days in a tiny cottage in Snowdonia.