(1901-89) , emperor of Japan 1926-89; full name Michinomiya Hirohito. Regarded as the 124th direct descendant of Jimmu, he refrained from involvement in politics, though he was instrumental in obtaining Japan's agreement to the unconditional surrender which ended the Second World War. In 1946 the new constitution imposed by America obliged him to renounce his divinity and become a constitutional monarch
裕仁(1901-1989, 日本天皇[1926-1989]; 全名迪宫裕仁, 被认为是神武天皇的第124代直系后裔; 虽然他促使日本同意了无条件投降, 从而结束了第二次世界大战, 但他尽力不卷入政治; 1946年美国强加的新宪法迫使他正式放弃神格, 成为一位立宪君主)。