/ˌhiːnəˈjɑː nə/(亦作 Hinayana Buddhism)
mass noun
- a name given by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism to the more orthodox schools of early Buddhism. The tradition died out in India, but it survived in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) as the Theravada school and was taken from there to other regions of SE Asia.小乘佛法(大乘佛教教徒对古代较为正统的佛教派别的称呼; 该传统在印度已消失, 但在锡兰[今斯里兰卡]以上座部之名而幸存, 后传至东南亚其他地区)。见 THERAVADA.
from Sanskrit hīna 'lesser' + yāna 'vehicle'.