- move or cause to move from one place to another, especially over a small distance转移, 移动:
with obj. a team from the power company came to shift the cables away from the house电力公司的一个施工队过来把这幢房子的电缆拆走
no obj. the roof cracked and shifted.屋顶裂开并移动了。
- no obj. change the position of one's body, especially because one is nervous or uncomfortable(因紧张或不适而)变换身体位置:
he shifted a little in his chair.
- with obj. change the emphasis, direction, or focus of转移(重点、方向或焦点):
she's shifting the blame on to me.
- no obj. change in emphasis, direction, or focus(在重点、方向或焦点方面)转变:
the wind had shifted to the east
the balance of power shifted abruptly.
- no obj. Brit. informal move quickly〈英, 非正式〉快速移动:
you'll have time for a bite if you shift.
如果你赶快, 你还有时间吃饭的。
shift oneself
in imperative Brit. informal used to tell someone to move from a place or rouse themselves from a state of inactivity〈英, 非正式〉活动一下; 振作起来:shift yourself, Ruby, do something useful and get the plates.
鲁比, 振作起来, 做一点正事, 让自己忙碌起来。
- with obj. Computing move (data) to the right or left in a register【计算机】移位:
the partial remainder is shifted left.
- with obj. Brit. remove (a stain)〈英〉去污。
- with obj. informal sell (something)〈非正式〉卖:
a lot of high-priced product you simply don't know how to shift.
许多昂贵的商品, 你简直不知道怎么卖掉。
- with obj. Brit. informal eat or drink (something) hastily or in large amounts〈英, 非正式〉狼吞虎咽地吃; 豪饮, 牛饮。
- no obj. chiefly N. Amer. change gear in a vehicle〈主北美〉换(挡):
she shifted down to fourth.
- no obj. archaic be evasive or indirect〈古〉含糊其辞, 转弯抹角:
they know not how to shift and rob as the old ones do.
不像年龄大的那样, 他们不知道怎样含糊其辞和敲诈。
- a slight change in position, direction, or tendency(位置的)转移; (方向的)改变; (趋势的)转变:
a shift of wind took us by surprise
风向改变, 使我们觉得很惊讶
a shift in public opinion.
- mass noun Astronomy the displacement of spectral lines【天文】(光谱线的)偏移。参见RED SHIFT.
- (亦作shift key)a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used to switch between two sets of characters or functions, principally between lower - and upper-case letters(打字机或电脑键盘上的)字型(或功能)转换键。
- N. Amer. the gear lever or gear-changing mechanism in a motor vehicle〈北美〉(机动车的)换挡装置。
- mass noun Building the positioning of successive rows of bricks so that their ends do not coincide【建筑】错位。
- Computing a movement of the digits of a word in a register one or more places to left or right, equivalent to multiplying or dividing the corresponding number by a power of whatever number is the base【计算机】移位。
- American Football a change of position by two or more players before the ball is put into play【美橄】(开赛前)球员位置的变换。
- one of two or more recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in relay(工作的)班次:
the night shift.
- a group of workers who work in this way轮班工人。
- (亦作shift dress)a woman's straight unwaisted dress宽松直筒连衣裙。
- historical a long, loose-fitting undergarment〈史〉长而宽松的内衣。
- archaic an ingenious or devious device or stratagem〈古〉计谋; 诡计:
the thousand shifts and devices of which Hannibal was a master.
get a shift on
- Brit. informal hurry up〈英, 非正式〉加快; 赶紧:
it's quite a drive to London, so we should really get a shift on.
到伦敦去车程不算近, 所以我们真该加快了。
make shift
- do what one wants to do in spite of not having ideal conditions尽力做到; 将就; 凑合。
shift for oneself
- manage as best one can without help自力更生; 单独应付。
shift one's ground
- say or write something that contradicts something one has previously written or said改变立场, 改变主张。
shifting sands
- something that is constantly changing, especially unpredictably(尤指没有预料到的)不断变化:
whether something is accepted depends upon the shifting sands of taste.
某样东西是否会被接受, 取决于不断变化的口味。