- in, at, or to this place or position(在)这儿, 在这里, 到这儿:
they have lived here most of their lives
we leave here on the sixteenth
after prep. I'm getting out of here.我要离开这儿了。
- used when pointing or gesturing to indicate the place in mind做手势指心中想说的地方时用(在)这儿:
sign here
I have here a letter from the chief.
- used to draw attention to someone or something that has just arrived用于让人注意刚到达的人或物这儿, 到这里:
here's my brother
here comes the bus.
- with infinitive used to indicate one's role in a particular situation[用于指某人在特定场合的作用]在这里, 来这里:
I'm here to help you.
- used to refer to existence in the world in general(用于表示)人生在世, 活在世上:
what are we all doing here?
- (一般作 here is/are)used when introducing something or someone用于介绍人或物时这儿:
here's a dish that is simple and quick to make.
- used when giving something to someone用于给某人某物时这儿:
here's the money I promised you.
- used when indicating a time or situation that has arrived or is happening用于指时机来临时这儿:
here is your opportunity.
- used to refer to a particular point or aspect reached in an argument, situation, or activity用于指明争论、情势或活动中的某一点或某一方面在这一点上, 在这儿:
here lies the key to the recovery
here we encounter the main problem.
- used to attract someone's attention[用于引起注意]嘿, 喂:
here, let me hold it
喂, 我来拿吧
here, what's going on?
嘿, 发生了什么事?
- indicating one's presence in a roll-call点名时的回答到, 有。
here and now
- at this very moment; at the present time此时此刻, 目前, 立即:
we're going to settle this here and now
as noun our obsession with the here and now.我们满脑子的此时此刻。
here and there
- in various places在各处:
small bushes scattered here and there.
here goes
- an expression indicating that one is about to start something difficult or exciting[表示某人即将开始困难或兴奋的事情]要开始了。
here's to someone/thing
- used to wish health or success before drinking举杯祝健康或成功祝…健康, 祝…成功, 为…干杯:
here's to us!
here's to your safe arrival.
here today, gone tomorrow
- soon over or forgotten; short-lived飘忽无常; 很快结束(或忘记)的; 短暂的。
here we are
- said on arrival at one's destination我们到了。
here we go again
- said to indicate that the same events, typically undesirable ones, are recurring(尤指讨厌的事情反复发生)我们又倒霉了; 又来了。
neither here nor there
- of no importance or relevance不紧要的, 不相干的。