/ˈhelɪn/- Greek Mythology the daughter of Zeus and Leda, born from an egg. In the Homeric poems she was the outstandingly beautiful wife of Menelaus, and her abduction by Paris (to whom she had been promised, as a bribe, by Aphrodite) led to the Trojan War.【希腊神话】海伦(宙斯和勒达之女, 从蛋里出生; 在荷马史诗中, 她是斯巴达王梅内莱厄斯之妻, 美貌绝伦, 被特洛伊王子帕里斯拐走[作为贿赂, 爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄特答应使海伦爱上他], 因而引发了特洛伊战争)。