Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976), German philosopher. In Being and Time (1927) he examined the ontology of Being, in particular human existence as involvement with a world of objects (Dasein). His writings on Angst (dread) as a fundamental part of human consciousness due to radical freedom of choice and awareness of death had a strong influence on existentialist philosophers such as Sartre.
海德格尔, 马丁(1889-1976, 德国哲学家, 在《存在与时间》[1927]一书中考察了存在的本体论, 尤其是与物体世界相牵连的人的存在[“此在”]; 他指出, 由于选择的极端自由及对死亡的意识, “畏”(怕)构成了人的意识的一个基本部分, 他对畏的论述对萨特等存在主义哲学家有很大影响)。