- (亦作have got)possess, own, or hold拥有, 持有:
he had a new car and a boat
have you got a job yet?
I don't have that much money on me.
- possess or be provided with (a quality, characteristic, or feature)具有(品质、特点或特色):
the ham had a sweet, smoky flavour
she's got blue eyes
the house has gas-fired central heating.
have oneself
informal, chiefly N. Amer.〈非正式, 主北美〉provide or indulge oneself with (something)自己享用; 放纵自己做:he had himself two highballs.
- be made up of; comprise由…构成, 组成:
in 1989 the party had 10,000 members.
- used to indicate a particular relationship用于表示某种关系有:
he's got three children
do you have a client named Peters?
- be able to make use of (something available or at one's disposal)可以有, 可利用:
how much time have I got for the presentation?
- have gained (a qualification)获得(资格):
he's got a BA in English.
- possess as an intellectual attainment; know (a language or subject)掌握(知识、语言或学科):
he knew Latin and Greek; I had only a little French.
他懂拉丁语和希腊语, 我只会一点法语。
- experience; undergo经历, 体验:
I went to a few parties and had a good time
我去参加了几个派对, 玩得很开心
I was having difficulty in keeping awake.
- (亦作have got)suffer from (an illness, ailment, or disability)患有(疾病, 不适, 残疾):
I've got a headache.
- (亦作have got)let (a feeling or thought) come into one's mind; hold in the mind有(感觉, 想法):
he had the strong impression that someone was watching him
we've got a few ideas we're kicking around.
- with past participle experience or suffer the specified action happening or being done to (something)遭遇(某物)被:
she had her bag stolen.
- with obj. and complement cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or condition使处于:
I want to have everything ready in good time
I had the TV on with the sound turned down.
我让电视机开着, 但音量调低了。
- (亦作have got)informal have put (someone) at a disadvantage in an argument (said either to acknowledge that one has no answer to a point or to show that one knows one's conversant has no answer)〈非正式〉[用于承认自己对某一问题无法作出解释或表示自己知道谈话对方无法就某一问题作出解释]难倒(某人):
you've got me there; I've never given the matter much thought.
在这个问题上你把我难倒了, 我从来没有怎么考虑过这事。
- with past participle cause (something) to be done for one by someone else让(某事物)被:
it is advisable to have your carpet laid by a professional.
- tell or arrange for (someone) to do something for one吩咐(某人)做; 安排(某人)做:
with obj. and infinitive he had his bodyguards throw Chris out他吩咐保镖把克里斯撵走
she's always having the builders in to do something or other.
- (一般作 be had)informal cheat or deceive (someone)〈非正式〉欺骗(某人):
I realized I'd been had.
- vulgar slang have sexual intercourse with〈粗俚〉与…性交。
- (have to 或have got to do something)be obliged or find it necessary to do the specified thing不得不, 必须做:
you don't have to accept this situation
sorry, we've got to dash.
对不起, 我们必须立刻就走。
- with obj. and usu. with infinitive need or be obliged to do (something)必须做, 需要做:
he's got a lot to do.
- be strongly recommended to do something[用于表示强烈建议]无论如何应该, 真应该:
if you think that place is great, you have to try our summer house.
如果你认为那地方了不起, 那么你真该来住住我们的夏季别墅。
- be certain or inevitable to happen or be the case肯定(或必然)会发生; 肯定(或必然)如此:
there has to be a catch.
- perform the action indicated by the noun specified (used especially in spoken English as an alternative to a more specific verb)[后接表示动作的名词, 尤用于口语中代替动词]做(某一动作):
he had a look round
the colour green has a restful effect.
- organize and bring about组织, 举行, 进行:
are you going to have a party?
- eat or drink吃; 喝:
they had beans on toast.
- give birth to or be due to give birth to分娩, 生产:
she's going to have a baby.
- (亦作have got)show (a personal attribute or quality) by one's actions or attitude显示出(个人特性, 品质); 具有:
he had little patience with technological gadgetry
with obj. and infinitive you never even phoned, and now you've got the cheek to come back.你就连电话都没打来过一次, 现在倒还有脸回来。
- often in imperative exercise or show (mercy, pity, etc.) towards another person向某人表示(仁慈、怜悯等):
God have mercy on me!
- with negative not accept; refuse to tolerate不接受, 拒绝容忍:
I can't have you insulting Tom like that.
- (亦作have got)with obj. and adverbial of place place or keep (something) in a particular position把(某物)放在(或搁在):
Mary had her back to me
I soon had the trout in a net.
- hold or grasp (someone or something) in a particular way以某种方式抓住:
he had me by the throat.
- be the recipient of (something sent, given, or done)收到:
she had a letter from Mark.
- take or invite into one's home so as to provide care or entertainment, especially for a limited period(尤指短期)在家里照顾(或招待):
we're having the children for the weekend.
- used with a past participle to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses, and the conditional mood[与过去分词一起构成现在完成时态、过去完成时态、将来完成时态及条件式]:
I have finished
he had asked her
she will have left by now
I could have helped, had I known
当时我要是知道的话, 我可能就帮忙了
'Have you seen him?' 'Yes, I have.'
the haves
informal people with plenty of money and possessions〈非正式〉有钱人:an increasing gap between the haves and have-nots.
- in sing. Brit. informal, dated a swindle〈英, 非正式, 旧〉诈骗。
have a care (或an eye等)
- 见CARE, EYE, 等。
have got it bad (或badly)
- informal be very powerfully affected emotionally, especially by love〈非正式〉因感情(尤指爱情)问题深受煎熬。
- be in a situation where one is treated badly or exploited处于苦难中; 深受折磨。
have had it
- be in a very poor condition; be beyond repair or past its best状态极差; 无法修复; 已过全盛期:
the car had had it.
- be extremely tired筋疲力尽。
- have lost all chance of survival失去了活命的可能; 行将毙命:
when the lorry smashed into me, I thought I'd had it.
当货车撞上我时, 我想我死定了。
- be unable to tolerate someone or something any longer忍无可忍:
I've had it with him - he's humiliated me once too often!
have it
- with clause express the view that (used to indicate that the speaker is reporting something which they do not necessarily believe to be fact)据说:
rumour had it that although he lived in a derelict house, he was really very wealthy.
传言说虽然他住在破败的房子里, 他其实很有钱。
- win a decision, especially after a vote(尤指投票之后)获胜:
the ayes have it.
- have found the answer to something获得答案:
'I have it!' Rosa exclaimed.
have it away on one's toes
- Brit. informal leave quickly〈英, 非正式〉开溜。
have it away or off
- Brit. vulgar slang have sexual intercourse〈英, 粗俚〉性交, 交媾。
have it both ways
- 见BOTH.
have got it in for
- informal feel a particular dislike of (someone) and behave in a hostile manner towards them〈非正式〉特别厌恶敌视(某人)。
have got it in one to do something
- informal have the capacity or potential (to do something)〈非正式〉有能力做成某事:
everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic.
have it out
- informal attempt to resolve a contentious matter by confronting someone and engaging in a frank discussion or argument〈非正式〉(与…面对面)说理; (当面)把事情说个明白:
give her the chance of a night's rest before you have it out with her.
have a nice day
- chiefly US used to express good wishes when parting〈主美〉[道别时用于表示良好的祝愿]祝你愉快。
have got nothing on
- be not nearly as good as (someone or something), especially in a particular respect(尤指在某一方面)远不如(某人或某事物)好。
- (have nothing或something on someone)know nothing (or something) discreditable or incriminating about someone没有(或有)(某人)的把柄; 不知道(或知道)某人做过不名誉的事(或违法的事):
I am not worried - they've got nothing on me.
我不担心, 他们抓不住我的把柄。
have nothing to do with
- 见
DO1 .
have one too many
- 见MANY.
have got something to oneself
- be able to use, occupy, or enjoy something without having to share it with anyone else独享。
have - to do with
- 见
DO1 .
have at
- tackle or attack forcefully or aggressively攻击, 打击。
have someone on
- Brit. informal try to make someone believe something that is untrue, especially as a joke〈英, 非正式〉(尤指开玩笑时)骗人(相信不实之事):
that's just too neat - you're having me on.
have got something on
- be wearing something穿着:
she had a blue dress on.
- Brit. be committed to an arrangement〈英〉致力于, 忙于:
I've got a lot on at the moment.
have something out
- undergo an operation to extract a part of one's body做手术切除。
have someone up (一般作had up)
- Brit. informal〈英, 非正式〉bring someone before a court of justice to answer for an alleged offence使出庭受审:
you can be had up for blackmail.