Hare Krishna
1- a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a religious sect based mainly in the US and other Western countries. Its devotees typically wear saffron robes, favour celibacy, practise vegetarianism, and chant mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna.国际黑天觉悟会会员(该觉悟会系一宗教教派, 主要在美国及其他西方国家活动, 其信徒常穿金黄色长袍, 主张独身生活, 奉行素食主义, 咏唱以印度克利须那神的名字为主要内容的曼特罗祷文)。
- mass noun this sect国际克利须那觉悟会。
1960s: Sanskrit, literally 'O Vishnu Krishna', the words of a devotional chant.