- a town in South Lanarkshire, southern Scotland, near Glasgow; pop. 48,000 (est. 2009).哈密尔顿(苏格兰南部南拉纳克郡城镇, 靠近格拉斯哥, 2009年估计人口48,000)。
- a port and industrial city in southern Canada, at the western end of Lake Ontario; pop. 504,559 (2006).哈密尔顿(加拿大南部工业港口, 在安大略湖西端, 2006年人口504,559)。
- a city on North Island, New Zealand; pop. 129,249 (2006).哈密尔顿(新西兰北岛城市, 2006年人口129,249)。
- the capital of Bermuda; pop. 11,000 (est. 2009).哈密尔顿(英属百慕大群岛首府, 2009年估计人口11,000)。
- Hamilton2, Alexander (c. 1757-1804), American Federalist politician. He established the US central banking system, and advocated strong central government. He was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr.汉密尔顿, 亚历山大(约1757-1804, 美国联邦党政治家, 建立了美国中央银行系统, 主张加强中央政府; 死于与亚伦·伯尔的决斗)。
- Hamilton3, Sir Charles (1900-78), New Zealand inventor and motor-racing driver, best known for his development of the jet boat.汉密尔顿, 查尔斯爵士(1900-1978, 新西兰发明家、赛车手, 最著名的成就是研制喷气快艇)。
- Hamilton4, Lady Emma (c. 1765-1815), English beauty and mistress of Lord Nelson; born Amy Lyon. She met Lord Nelson while married to Sir William Hamilton, the British ambassador to Naples. She had a daughter by Nelson in 1801 and lived with him after her husband's death in 1803.汉密尔顿夫人, 艾玛(约1765-1815, 英格兰美人, 英国海军上将纳尔逊的情妇, 出生名埃米·莱昂, 初见纳尔逊时是英国驻那不勒斯大使威廉·汉密尔顿爵士的妻子, 1801年与纳尔逊育有一女, 1803年其丈夫去世后与纳尔逊同居)。
- Hamilton5, Lewis (Carl Davidson) (b.1985), English motor-racing driver. He won the Formula One world championship in 2008.汉密尔顿, 刘易斯(·卡尔·戴维森)(生于1985年, 英国赛车手; 2008年赢得一级方程式赛车世界冠军)。