/gɜːˈniːkə/- a town in the Basque Provinces of northern Spain, to the east of Bilbao; pop. 16,255 (2008). Formerly the seat of a Basque parliament, it was bombed in 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, by German planes in support of Franco, an event depicted in a famous painting by Picasso. Full name GUERNICA Y LUNO /iː ˈluːnəʊ/.格尔尼卡(西班牙北部巴斯克地区一城镇, 位于毕尔巴鄂以东, 2008年人口16,255, 曾为巴斯克议会的所在地, 西班牙内战期间, 德国为支持佛朗哥的统治曾在1937年空袭该镇, 毕加索有一名画描绘此事; 全称格尔尼卡-卢诺)。