/grəˈneɪdə/- a country in the Caribbean, consisting of the island of Grenada (the southernmost of the Windward Islands) and the southern Grenadine Islands; pop. 90,700 (est. 2009); languages, English (official), English Creole; capital, St George's.格林纳达(加勒比海岛国, 由向风群岛最南端的格林纳达岛及格林纳丁斯群岛的南部岛屿组成, 2009年估计人口90,700, 语言包括英语[官方语言]和克里奥耳化英语, 首都圣乔治)。
The island of Grenada was sighted in 1498 by Columbus. Colonized by the French, it was ceded to Britain in 1763, recaptured by the French, and restored to Britain in 1783. It became an independent Commonwealth state in 1974. Seizure of power by a left-wing military group in 1983 prompted an invasion by the US and some Caribbean countries; they withdrew in 1985.