- of the colour between blue and yellow in the spectrum; coloured like grass or emeralds绿色的:
the leaves are bright green.
- consisting of fresh vegetables of this colour用新鲜绿色蔬菜制成的:
a green salad.
- denoting a light or flag of this colour used as a signal to proceed(信号灯, 旗)绿色的(示意继续行进)。
- (of a ski run) of the lowest level of difficulty, as indicated by coloured markers on the run(滑雪道)有绿色标志的(表示难度最低)。
- Physics denoting one of three colours of quark【物理】(指夸克的三种颜色之一)以绿色为标记的。
- covered with grass, trees, or other plants被绿色植物覆盖的:
proposals that would smother green fields with development.
- (一般作Green)concerned with or supporting protection of the environment as a political principle关注环境的; (政治上)支持环保的:
official Green candidates.
- (of a product) not harmful to the environment(产品)于环境无害的, 环保的, “绿色”的。
- (of a plant or fruit) young or unripe(植物)幼嫩的; (水果)未熟的:
green shoots.
- (of wood) unseasoned(木材)未干透的, 湿的。
- (of food or leather) not dried, smoked, or tanned(食物, 皮革)未经干燥的; 未经熏制的; 未经鞣制的。
- (of a person) inexperienced, naive, or gullible(人)缺乏经验的; 幼稚的; 易上当受骗的:
a green recruit fresh from college.
- (of a memory) not fading(记忆)清晰的:
clubs devoted to keeping green the memory of Sherlock Holmes.
- still strong or vigorous依然生气勃勃的:
first there was green old age, hardly different from middle age.
首先是精神矍铄的初老期, 与中年几乎没有什么不同。
- archaic (of a wound) fresh; not healed〈古〉(伤口)新的; 未愈合的。
- (of the complexion or a person) pale and sicklylooking脸色发青的, 有病容的:
'Are you all right?- You look absolutely green.'
- as a sign of jealousy or envy(表示)嫉妒的。
- mass noun green colour or pigment绿色; 绿色颜料:
major roads are marked in green.
- green clothes or material绿色衣服; 绿色衣料:
two girls in red and green.
- green foliage or growing plants绿叶; 青葱的草木:
that lovely canopy of green over Stratford Road.
- informal, dated low-grade cannabis〈非正式, 旧〉低级大麻。
- informal, dated money〈非正式, 旧〉钞票:
that's a lot of green.
- a green thing, in particular绿色物, 尤指:
- a green light绿色信号灯。
- the green ball in snooker(斯诺克台球戏中的)绿球。
- a piece of public or common grassy land, especially in the centre of a village(尤指村庄中央的)公共绿地:
a house overlooking the green.
- an area of smooth, very short grass immediately surrounding a hole on a golf course(高尔夫球场的)球穴区(球穴周围短而平整的草地)。
green vegetables绿色蔬菜:eat up your greens.
one's greens
Brit. informal, dated sexual intercourse〈英, 非正式, 旧〉性交。
- (一般作Green)a member or supporter of an environmentalist group or party环境保护主义者, 绿色组织成员; 绿党成员。
- make or become green, in particular(使)成为绿色, 尤指:
- with obj. make (an urban or desert area) more verdant by planting or encouraging trees or other greenery绿化:
they were greening China's semi-arid Yellow River delta.
- with obj. make less harmful or more sensitive to the environment降低…对环境的危害; 增强…的环保意识:
the importance of greening this industry.
- no obj. become green in colour, through age or by becoming covered with plants(因年久或被植物覆盖而)变为绿色:
the roof was greening with lichen.