(亦作sacred scarab)
1- a large dung beetle of the eastern Mediterranean area, regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt(地中海地区东部的)圣甲虫, 圣金龟(在古埃及被视为圣物)。
- Scarabaeus sacer, family Scarabaeidae (the scarab family). The scarab family also includes the smaller dung beetles and chafers, together with some very large tropical kinds such as Hercules, goliath, and rhinoceros beetles.拉丁名Scarabaeus sacer, 金龟科。金龟科亦包括较小的粪金龟、鳃角金龟, 以及大型的热带种, 如大犀金龟、巨金龟、犀金龟等。
- an ancient Egyptian gem cut in the form of this beetle, sometimes depicted with the wings spread, and engraved with hieroglyphs on the flat underside(古埃及)雕成圣甲虫形的宝石。
- any scarabaeid beetle金龟子科甲虫。
late 16th cent. (originally denoting a beetle of any kind): from Latin scarabaeus, from Greek skarabeios.