- to be desired or approved of合意的, 满意的:
we live at peace with each other, which is good
我们和睦相处, 称心满意
a good quality of life.
- pleasing and welcome令人愉快的, 受欢迎的:
she was pleased to hear good news about him.
- expressing approval好(表示赞许):
the play had good reviews.
- having the qualities required for a particular role合格的; 胜任的:
the schools here are good.
- functioning or performed well健全的; 做得好的:
good health
either she was feeling chastened or she was doing a good act.
要不就是她学乖了, 要不就是她装出来的。
- appropriate to a particular purpose合适的:
this is a good month for planting seeds.
- (of language) with correct grammar and pronunciation(语言)符合标准的:
she speaks good English.
- strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular cause, religion, or party虔诚的, 忠心的:
a good Catholic girl.
- (of a ticket) valid(票)有效的:
the ticket is good for travel from May to September.
- possessing or displaying moral virtue善的; 有德行的:
I've met many good people who made me feel ashamed of my own shortcomings
我遇到过很多高尚的人, 他们令我为自己的缺点汗颜
as plural noun the good the rich and the good shared the same fate as the poor and the bad.富人和好人与穷人和坏人的命运相同。
- showing kindness善意的:
you are good-thank you.
你真好, 谢谢你。
- obedient to rules or conventions遵守规则(或约定)的:
accustom the child to being rewarded for good behaviour.
- used to address or refer to people, especially in a patronizing or humorous way[用于称呼或提及人, 尤指以屈尊俯就或幽默的方式]好(人) :
the good people of the city were disconcerted.
- commanding respect令人尊敬的:
he was concerned with establishing and maintaining his good name.
- belonging or relating to a high social class上流的; 高贵的:
he comes from a good family.
- giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying让人高兴的; 令人愉快的; 令人满意的:
the streets fill up with people looking for a good time.
- pleasant to look at; attractive好看的; 有魅力的:
you're looking pretty good.
- (of food and drink) having a pleasant taste(食物)好吃的; (饮料)可口的:
we had the beef, and very good it was.
我们吃的牛肉, 味道好极了。
- (of clothes) smart and suitable for formal wear(衣服)时髦的, 适合正式场合穿着的:
he went upstairs to change out of his good suit.
- attrib. thorough彻底的:
now is the time to have a really good clear-up
have a good look around.
- used to emphasize that a number is at least as great as one claims[用来强调数字] 至少:
they're a good twenty years younger.
- used to emphasize a following adjective[用来强调其后的形容词]很, 非常:
we had a good long hug.
我们拥抱, 久久不愿松开。
- fairly large相当大的:
a good crowd
figurative 〈喻〉 there's a good chance that we may be able to help you.
- used in conjunction with the name of God or a related expression as an exclamation of extreme surprise or anger与上帝的名称或相关表达一起用, 表示非常吃惊或愤怒 天哪!啊呀!:
good heavens!
- mass noun that which is morally right; righteousness善; 正义:
a mysterious balance of good and evil.
- mass noun benefit or advantage to someone or something好处; 优势:
he is too clever for his own good
merchandise or possessions商品; 所有物:imports of luxury goods.
- Brit. things to be transported, as distinct from passengers〈英〉(与乘客相区别的)待运货物:
a means of transporting passengers as well as goods
as modifier a goods train.一列货车。
the goods
informal the genuine article〈非正式〉真货, 正品。
- informal well〈非正式〉好地:
my mother could never cook this good.
all to the good
- to be welcomed without qualification无条件地受到欢迎。
as good as -
- very nearly -非常接近——:
she's as good as here.
- used of a result which will inevitably follow肯定会:
if we pass on the information, he's as good as dead.
如果我们把这个消息传出去, 他是肯定要死的。
be any(或no或much)good
- have some (or none or a lot of) merit有一些(或没有或很多)优点:
tell me whether that picture is any good.
- be of some (or none or a lot of) help in dealing with a situation(对应付某种情况时)有一点(或没有或有很多)帮助:
it was no good trying to ward things off.
be so good as(或be good enough)to do something
- used to make a polite request[用来礼貌地表示请求] 能否请:
would you be so good as to answer.
be - to the good
- have a specified net profit or advantage获得一定的净利润或好处:
I came out £7 to the good.
come up with(或deliver)the goods
- informal do what is expected or required of one〈非正式〉按所期望(或所要求)的去做。
do good
- act virtuously, especially by helping others(尤指通过帮助别人)做好事。
- make a helpful contribution to a situation有用, 有帮助:
could the discussion do any good?
do someone good
- be beneficial to someone, especially to their health对某人(尤指对其健康)有益:
the walk will do you good.
for good(and all)
- forever; definitively永远地; 明确地:
the experience almost frightened me away for good.
get(或have)the goods on
- informal obtain (or possess) information about (someone) which may be used to their detriment〈非正式〉得到(或掌握)可能对某人不利的信息。
good and -
- informal used as an intensifier before an adjective or adverb〈非正式〉非常(用于形容词或副词前以加强语气):
it'll be good and dark by then.
(as) good as gold
- (of a child) extremely well-behaved(儿童)非常乖的。
(as) good as new
- in a very good condition or state, close to the original state again after damage, injury, or illness状况良好的, (损坏后)恢复如新的; 康复的, 痊愈的:
the skirt looked as good as new.
the Good Book
- the Bible《圣经》。
good for
- having a beneficial effect on对…有好处:
smoking is not good for the lungs.
- reliably providing总能提供的:
they found him good for a laugh.
- sufficient to pay for足够支付的:
his money was good for a bottle of whisky.
good for(或on)you(或him, her等)!
- used as an exclamation of approval towards a person, especially for something that they have achieved干得好!(用来表示赞许某人, 尤指赞许他们所取得的成就):
'I'm having driving lessons and taking my test next month. ''Good for you!'
“我正在上驾驶课, 下个月参加考试。”“不错!”
good oil
- Austral. informal reliable information〈澳, 非正式〉可靠信息。
- ORIGIN: origin: figurative use referring to lubricating oil and the successful running of a machine.
the Good Shepherd
- a name for Jesus好牧人(耶稣)。
- ORIGIN: with biblical allusion to John x. 1-16.
good wine needs no bush
- 见WINE1.
a good word
- words in recommendation or defence of a person(推荐某人或为某人辩护的)好话:
I hoped you might put in a good word for me with your friends.
have a good mind to do something
- 见MIND.
in someone's good books
- 见BOOK.
in good time
- with no risk of being late及时, 及早:
I arrived in good time.
- (亦作all in good time)in due course but without haste适时地, 不急不忙地:
you shall have a puppy all in good time.
make good
- be successful成功:
a college friend who made good in Hollywood.
make something good
- compensate for loss, damage, or expense(对损失、损害或代价)给予补偿:
if I scratched the table I'd make good the damage.
如果我刮坏了桌子, 我会予以赔偿。
- repair or restore after damage(损坏后)修补; 恢复:
make good the wall where you have buried the cable.
- fulfil a promise or claim履行诺言; 实现主张:
I challenged him to make good his boast.
我给他出了个难题, 让他兑现自己夸下的海口。
one good turn deserves another
- 见TURN.
take something in good part
- not be offended by something不见怪:
he took her abruptness in good part.
up to no good
- doing something wrong做错事。