- mass noun a game played on a large open-air course, in which a small hard ball is struck with a club into a series of small holes in the ground, the object being to use the fewest possible strokes to complete the course高尔夫球运动。
- A golf course usually has 18 holes, each set in a smooth lawn (a green) separated from the others by stretches of smooth grass (fairways), rough ground, sand-filled bunkers, and other hazards. Various clubs are used to hit the ball from a tee towards the green, up to 450m away, and then putt it into the hole.
- a code word representing the letter G, used in radio communication(无线通讯中的)字母G的代码。
late Middle English (originally Scots): perhaps related to Dutch kolf 'club, bat', used as a term in several Dutch games; golf, however, is recorded before these games.