/ˈgɒdʊnɒf/- Godunov, Boris (1550-1605), tsar of Russia 1598-1605. A counsellor of Ivan the Terrible, he succeeded Ivan's son as tsar. His reign was marked by famine, doubts over his involvement in the earlier death of Ivan's eldest son, and the appearance of a pretender, the so-called False Dmitri.戈东诺夫, 鲍里斯(1550-1605, 俄国沙皇[1598-1605], 作为“恐怖的伊凡”的谋臣, 他继伊凡的儿子之后成为沙皇; 在他统治期间, 俄国发生饥荒且有人怀疑他与伊凡长子夭折有关, 并出现了王位觊觎者, 即所谓的“伪季米特里”)。