Godiva, Lady (d.1080), English noblewoman, wife of Leofric, Earl of Mercia. According to a 13th-century legend, she agreed to her husband's proposition that he would reduce unpopular taxes only if she rode naked on horseback through the marketplace of Coventry. According to later versions of the story, all the townspeople refrained from watching, except for peeping Tom, who was struck blind in punishment.
戈黛娃夫人(卒于1080年, 英国贵妇, 麦西亚伯爵利奥弗里克的妻子; 根据13世纪的传说, 她同意了她丈夫的提议, 即如果她裸体骑马穿过考文垂的集市, 他就会减轻税赋, 当时这些税赋是很不得人心的; 根据这个故事后来的版本, 当时所有的市民都闭目不观, 只有汤姆偷看, 被戳瞎以示惩罚)。