/ˈglædstəʊn/- Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-98), British Liberal statesman, Prime Minister 1868-74,1880-5,1886, and 1892-4. At first a Conservative minister, he later joined the Liberal Party, becoming its leader in 1867. His ministries saw the introduction of elementary education, the passing of the Irish Land Acts and the third Reform Act, and his campaign in favour of Home Rule for Ireland.格莱斯顿, 威廉·尤尔特(1809-1898, 英国自由党政治家, 1868-1874年、1880-1885年、1886年和1892-1894年任首相, 起初他是保守党大臣, 后加入自由党, 并于1867年成为自由党领袖; 在他任职期间, 引进了初等教育, 通过了爱尔兰土地法案和第三个选举法修正法案, 并发起了支持爱尔兰自治的运动)。